Rising Force online

Discussion in 'Accepted and on Probation' started by SPITFIRE, Jul 29, 2009.

  1. Name: Danny


    Location: uk

    Class: SpiritMaster

    Previous RFO experience: Been playing rf virtually since day 1 release on codemasters....Novus server

    Previous Classes played: I think ive played all classes inc xclass on all races.

    Previous Guilds you were in: i have only recently come over to elite so no guild. Absolut (Bell) novus.cant remeber other novus guild tbh been quite a while lol.

    Your past gaming experience: Played rf since virtually release day of codemasters server.dabbled on wow but didnt like.cod4 on both xbox360 & pc online. Basically been gaming since 1984 with release of amstrad 464 lol.

    Why did you chose XoO: I have had a couple of people help me from this guild inc magicpain and shako and love the way you guys work.

    Alittle bit about yourself: Well if you read above you could well guess im a mad gamer and love rf. i have tried many other online mmo's but nothing compares in my eyes.Im a father of 2 little girls that are about as mad as me lol and the eldest is now in training too lol. Just to confirm i am crazy i got a house full of different inverts inc. Tarantula,scorps,mili's,cent's,roaches and beetles. also have 2 snakes and 2 doge n a bunny and a little mouse lol.
  2. Panacea

    Panacea Banned

    Was you by anychance in a clan called TiC on xbox?
  3. accepted
  4. Woot another danny!