Rift Recruitment

Discussion in 'Public General Chat' started by Kelemvar, Mar 4, 2011.

  1. Kelemvar

    Kelemvar Guest

    Heya All,

    I dont usually post here, but I wanted to see if there are any still on the fence about trying out RIFT.

    We have opened recruitment publicly and really could use a few clerics/mages to PWN a few guardians with.

    The Perks of doing so are, you will be highly praised/admired/wanted within the guild.

    In addition, at this point we have quite a bit numbering the upper ranks that can help make your progression easier (though easier than 5 days to 35+ is hard to beat)

    Please feel free to reach out to any of us playing if you are curious, want more info or just want to chat us up.
  2. I would but I am currently playing and paying for DAoC.
  3. TwilightAngel

    TwilightAngel Red Queen Chronicles of Elyria Member

    ewwwws whys lol
  4. Because DAoC is a great game regardless of how old it is.
  5. I totally agree, and was bout to say the same thing.

    When I was playing Rift beta I loved playing the Mage classes, Warlock was a lot of fun - if I ever do pick it up then I'll be rollin' a Mage - but I'm a little pre-occupied IRL right now to pick up another game.

    Good luck recruiting!
  6. Kelemvar

    Kelemvar Guest

    Im not going to disagree.. DAOC was a classic for RVR.

    Rift is a equally as awesome in different ways, I have never been as addicted to a game as I have to RIFT.. so take that as an advertisement and a WARNING! :p

    The feeling of once you level up that you can switch your playstyle depending on the situation is amazing.

    Healer -> DPS -> Tank -> offheals/dps... all in one run is epic.
  7. if my pc would run it, i would! maybe a trial or something to see if i could run it would be cool.
  8. Kelemvar

    Kelemvar Guest

    Under the graphic settings they have a toggle for low-end graphics.. that might enable you to run it.. im not sure how low-end we are talking though :p

    a 286 will not run Rift :p
  9. well i am interested then :eek:

    downloading now :) going to play mage.
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2011

  10. Id watch for RvR in rift one day
  11. If Rift had RvR I may start playing but until then no. Nothing can beat DAoC when it comes to PvP.
  12. Xiline

    Xiline Ceviel D'Ark

    Rift is based of two factions Guardians vs Defiants ( religion vs science :p ). They fight for the same purpose but with different ways and that is why they hate each other. There is Instanced PVP and also open world PvP between to the factions.
  13. If you want a healer class that can solo very well just go justicar/druid/warden

    Have fun being nearly unkillable in pve
  14. Not trying to hijack but I have to say this.

    BobFromMarketing get your StanFromEngineering ass back in Planetside already!

    Everyone else continue with Rift talk :D
  15. Klunk

    Klunk Veteran

    I'm interested what shard are you playing on?
  16. Norrak

    Norrak Veteran
