Revelation Online

Discussion in 'Upcoming Game Chatter' started by Evilmaran, Sep 3, 2016.

  1. Object

    Object Veteran Crowfall Member

    It's just memorizing stuff on a website and then when the course 'starts' your trainer just reads off the stuff and then you take a test on the info you learned. When the test starts they restrict access to the website but you can just screenshot all the info, OCR it and then just ctrl-F the answers so it's a joke.

    The content is all just bs, it's basically word search on the documentation of the gaming community, most of it can't be backed up either like how BnR is 'supposedly' in the gaming hall of fame and BnR is the oldest gaming community because it started in 94 yet it only showed up on the net in 2005.

    There was just a ton of other stuff that was just absolute bs, they inflate how many members they have stating they have over 3000 active members but in reality that number is closer to 1000 or less. Then they also like to rant and rave about how they have a scholarship for members.

    I invested a fair amount of money into the Skyforge guild and I had an agreement with the leader of BnR that he would match any investment I made. He agreed to it initially but then when he backed out by saying that he didn't know if the division had a future because of our recruitment numbers I said I was stepping down from leadership. That's when I was told that I needed to quit the guild and then rejoin if I wanted to step down.
  2. Did you end up getting in?
  3. yeah one community I had belong to rents out what equates to basically a mansion in georgia each year and does officer and division training and everyone stays there for the week hanging out and getting to know each other. cool concept
  4. Object

    Object Veteran Crowfall Member

    So what's the verdict here, we getting a division together?
  5. Doesn't seem like much interest, and I think peoples plates are over full with whats coming up and planned
  6. looks like @Ani was streaming it some

    DARKTIDE!! Veteran Staff Member Xen of Onslaught CO

    Hasn't been discussed when is it looking to launch?

    I'm working on Crowfall starting Jan.
    Ani/Arc are working COE.
    Looking for members to help with Camelot Unchained.
    This.... ? Don't have anyone to start it. After the Albion thing I'm not going to go begging people to be leaders again.

    DARKTIDE!! Veteran Staff Member Xen of Onslaught CO

    Honestly someone wanting to lead this would prob need to come from outside our normal leaders. Evil? Would you be willing to start this on EU. Honestly, we have enough NA leaders. I wouldn't mind pushing an EU agenda for this one. Cause after watching Ani play it seems fast but not too fast, and it will give the NA members a greater appreciation to what EU has to deal with when it comes to always being on NA servers.
  9. Object

    Object Veteran Crowfall Member

    Ok, I gotta be honest after doing some real research into this game I'm actually slowly changing my mind about it. I honestly doubt will have that much influence on it since the developers are NetEase. I'm still a little confused as to why NetEase isn't self-publishing this title. I'm going to lurk on the rev forums and try to find all the answers.
  10. Object

    Object Veteran Crowfall Member

    I'm writing up a post with a ton of answers from Rev mods so I'm not sure if this will be a double post by the time I finish writing this so if it is a double post then sorry, it someone else posts while I'm pulling together this list of answers then cool beans.

    From here on in since RO is already a game I know (Ragnorak Online) I will be referring to Revelation Online as RevlOn.....what? that's already a company name? Ok, hmm, how about just Rev, that works. :p

    Rev' runs on Bigbang, a custom made engine.

    The game already went through a very nice upgrade while still staying on the same engine, so it's not impossible that we'll see more graphical enhancements later on ! (Although, realistically speaking, probably not in the near future.)

    The housing system will be available on launch (open beta)

    Development for the game began in 2009.

    The Vanguard (tank) and Occultist (healer) classes have dps skills so they can still be used to solo dungeons/quests if you want. I watched a video with someone describing how the Occultist works and it seems all of their abilities can be switched between a damaging or healing 'form'. Basically the ability acts exactly the same way it does as a damaging ability in it's healing form but it heals instead of damages. So abilities that are aoe's or line based attacks still behave exactly the same but heals instead of damages. I'm also told the Spirit Shapers class is really the main healer class but it's a petter? Keep reading I'll watch some more vids and have some more answers to this later.

    The game already has all the interesting features you could need, such as damage and threat meters, social/chat windows, hotbars, target of target, etc, and the UI is very customizable.

    Read somewhere that controller support wouldn't be a thing, or at least not for now.

    Mentoring system like what exists in AA is in Rev as well.

    Costume designs from the playerbase is happening on the CN version already so it will probably happen for the NA/EU version as well.

    Fishing is already in the game, and the devs appear to be interested in adding naval content.

    It will be 3 months behind the CN version.

    endgame in rev kinda begins at 49 and progresses every 10 lvls

    There will be 4 raids available for End Game in OBT.

    Ok, that was enough reading for me tonight, took me an hour to post this....I'll try to get more info tomorrow after scouring the forums again.
  11. Object

    Object Veteran Crowfall Member


    Just a FYI I'm indenting any quotes or the paraphrasing of what someone else has said.

    Automatic low level exp bonus: NA CBT is set to have the same speed we would get at release, so it takes a but longer to level up. EU was set to current CN speed, which has Lv 79 at cap, and players there reached Lv 49 on the 1st day of CBT.
    Exp Bonus Stacks: If you do not do the dailies, it is okay. Bonus stacks to 1x, 1.8x, and 2.4x. So you do not have to do it everyday, but instead can do it once every 3 days and still get a 2.4x exp bonus.
    A lot of different things, but a little of everything: You need to grind, but you aren't forced to grind the same dungeon 500x. Do a little bit of this, a little bit of that, and you still accumulate the necessary reputation points to get your gear. Fact is, some items you are only allowed to get one per week, so those hardcore players will not have much of a benefit on you anyways.
    Level tiered content: You aren't geared enough for the harder content? No worries. The contents are level tiered, and if you do not believe you are ready for the harder level content, just do not level up. Take as long as you like on your current level tier to gear and build up your character. The EXP you earn will still stack up to 20x of your current level. Once you are ready, just click "level" and your stored exp will be used.​

    Benefits of playing casually, the game also doesn't seem to have any gear regression system like BDO has either.

    It takes about 1-2 days if you're putting a decent amount of time into it to reach 'end game' which starts around 49 depending on who you talk to. I think someone said about 12-16 hours of gameplay to hit the current CBT cap (49), the level cap in China is 79 atm.

    Another important thing to note that has been hinted at a few times is after you hit level 49 leveling up is optional. You can actually stack up to 20x the amount of xp it requires to level up so if you are under geared you can hold yourself back until you have better gear.

    Also, the annoying leaning mechanic when turning can be turned off in the settings.

    The end game gearing system is similar to the token system (in theory, not necessarily in practise though) that existed in the early days of FFXIV, you have the ability to grind low tier content as much as you want but the higher end stuff is locked behind weekly caps. It uses the same colour coded system that exists in all mmos, grey -> green -> blue -> purple -> gold and then on top of that the stats themselves have colour ranks as well. Coloured stats mean different things as well, white and blue are fixed stats that cannot be changed unless you 'awaken'. Green stats are RNG based and will roll with different values on each piece and purple stats are basically white and green stats after the piece has been 'awoken'.

    You can also refine gear with the sharpening feature, +1, +2, etc etc. Anyone familiar with SEA games will understand that system although it doesn't seem to have any downgrading system which is a huge plus for those of us AA players that were absolutely frustrated with that system. Gear can also be gemmed, this seems to be pvp only stats though.

    It looks like all the top end gear is crafted and you just get the mats to craft this gear from the top end 'godmode' dungeons. PvP gear is also gained with tokens gain from participating in pvp. One of the few themepark mmo's that has focused on crafting as a required part of the game, you obviously don't have to craft but if you don't then you'll be relying on purchasing things from others or getting your gear from friends.

    The highest rarity gear, gold gear, can be gained from a ton of different things, your mainhand can be gained from a quest line (similar to FFXIV) and it can be upgraded as well (again, pretty much exactly how it works in FFXIV). On the Chinese servers your gold offhand is gained from a login reward, login 3 consecutive days and you get it, not sure if this will be in the NA version yet. The offhand can be crafted though so even if they don't add this you can still make it fairly easily.

    There are little mini-games that can give you gold gear as well, I have not confirmed this content gives gold gear on NA but it does in China. Fairy Garden is one of these games, here is a terrible video that shows it off, The jumping puzzles seem fun. In the Chinese version you can get purple earrings from playing the games and then you can upgrade those earrings to lvl 40, 45, 55, 65 and 75 gold earrings.

    There are various daily missions including what is called the Underground Palace that award purple and gold accessories. This gear is available from level 25 and up. It looks like the gold accessories acquired from the Underground Palace are level 67+ though and not available in the CBT so far.

    You can also buy very low tier gear as well and it sounds like you can get low tier gear as random drops as well but it really seems like the top end stuff is either player crafted or crafted by a npc when you give that npc the mats (similar to a token system).

    An interesting feature is the Order of the Guardian token system gear can be resold to those vendors to gain some of your tokens back, so buying gear that you end up replacing won't be such a massive waste. Here is a quote about the system "After you have done using the gear, you can recycle them and get back [Wraithscale Magic Souls] by talking to the Guardian NPC and pick the recycle option. Each is worth 500 Guardian points when used to purchase toward future Guardian gears and you will get a few depending on the gear you recycle but you won’t be able to get all the Guardian points back. If you don’t wish to use them in the future, you can salvage them to get back 350 Guardian points back directly. On a Level 51 gloves costing 2000 Guardian Points, I was about to get back 3x souls, worth 1500 Guardian Points in total towards future purchase. If I were to salvage these souls again, I would get back 1050 Guardian Points, about half of what I spent."

    As already stated the main way to get top end gear is crafting but there is another form of crafting in Rev called 'synthesis'. Essentially you do dungeons and raids to get mats and then give those mats to specific npcs and those npcs reward you with a piece. Essentially it's a quest but it's a little more open ended on where you get the mats most of the time. There does seem to be some sort of upgrade system for gear gained in this matter, as I haven't really seen this system first hand I'm confused as to how it actually works but it seems like you can 'upgrade' a synthesized lvl 49 piece into a lvl 59 piece and so on. You don't seem to be forced to do this route as it seems you can just make higher end stuff from scratch but I'd guess the material requirements are a lot lower if you choose this 'upgrade' system.

    The awakening system seems pretty simple, you do not need cash shop items like AA does it, you literally just kill appropriately leveled mobs with the item and the item gets better over time. Here is a quote "To awaken a gear, all you need to do is head to an area with tons of monsters and let your gear “level up” by killing these monsters appropriate for your level. This is done easily by using your kill X amount of monsters daily quest found on the U window. You will get a icon on your screen when your gear is ready to be awakened. You can also check the degree of integration % on your gear to see if your gear is ready to be awakened. The icon will disappear after you click it so you can also do it by pressing N and select the hammer icon. To awaken your gear, you will need Quenching Flint I. The amount you need depends on the gear level but for level 40-49 gear you will need 7 Quenching Flint I to fully awaken the first 3 bars. The amount are doubled for 50-59 gear."

    Gear Sharpening is the act of putting + on your gear. There is some RNG with regards to this aspect of gear enhancement but it is not like other MMOs where the equipment can break or downgrade. There is a limit on how many sharpening levels you can put on a piece of gear, which is determined by your gear level. Weapons reaching a certain sharpening level will also emit light effects.
      • Level 40-59 gear can go up to +10
      • Level 50-59 gear can go up to +13
      • Level 70-79 gear can go up to +16
    Unlike gear awakening, you can transfer the sharpening level to another piece of equipment for a fee (free if transfering to a weaker item) and if you are upgrading your Guardian synthesized gold gear to the next level tier, you have the option to keep all the sharpening levels during the synthesis step.

    Sharpening only give an item one stat, max HP, Magic/Physical attack, or Magic/Physical Armor depending on the slot and class of the gear.​

    Sharpening materials can be gained from a plethora of in-game activities by just accumulating special currencies and spending them at vendors. I don't know if there will be any options to just buy this stuff in the cash shop but I'm leaning towards it being added in. I think on the Chinese servers you can buy these items but who knows if that's the case for NA/EU. I really feel like what happened with AA helped other companies feel out the NA/EU markets and I'm hoping that NetEase won't make the same mistakes that were made in AA. On the other hand has done this sort of stuff with Skyforge but Skyforge kinda collapsed on itself so hopefully they've learned their lesson as well.

    It looks like what I said earlier about gem slots being pvp only is incorrect. Gear seems to cap out at 6 gem slots, 2 on gold gear by default (1 pvp slot and 1 pve slot). It looks like these slots only exist on armour and weapons though, not accessories.

    • Yellow Stone – PvP damage increase. Can be only used on Mainhand or Offhand, Boots and Gloves.
    • Red Stone – PvP damage reduction. Can be used only on Mainhand or Offhand, Helm, Chest, and Legs
    • Blue stone – PvE damage increase. Can be only used on Mainhand or Offhand, Boots and Gloves.
    • Green Stone – PvE damage reduction. Can be used only on Mainhand or Offhand, Helm, Chest, and Legs

    It seems you can combine 4 identical stones to create a new stone of a higher tier as well. The top tier stones require money as well to do this upgrade. The stones can be bought with guardian points and I'm not sure if they can be found as loot or given as quest rewards.

    Due to the CBT being capped at 49 a lot of these systems aren't in the NA version yet so no one will really know for sure what's being given to the NA/EU playerbase until after they raise the cap. So hopefully CBT 2?

    There seems to be even more gear after level 49 as well amulets and bracelets? These two pieces can be upgraded with runes to further complicate the gearing system even more...

    Overall the gearing system is incredibly in depth and exhausting to read about, this is one of those features that really requires players to experience it because, in all honesty, reading about it all for the last few hours really drained me. It sounds amazing but it's quite overwhelming initially.

    Your guild area is upgradable similar to how it works in Skyforge but everything be visited in game. Upgrading buildings will also make the actual building in game look different as well. Here is a great video showing off this system

    So there's a lot more stuff but RL is calling me so I'm going to take a break again and come back here to update this thread later on.
  12. Ani

    Ani Veteran Staff Member Communications Director

    Yeah, I will be streaming it during every CBT
  13. Object

    Object Veteran Crowfall Member

    So ya, I've been playing a lot of TESO lately so I haven't been able to find a ton of info on Revelation Online but I have this feeling that no one here really cares here, which I find odd but oh well.
  14. DARKTIDE!!

    DARKTIDE!! Veteran Staff Member Xen of Onslaught CO

    No one cares? LOL need someone to bring more info.. and Ani is looking at it now?
  15. I dont currently it isnt my aesthetic and my whole life is devoted to BDO :(
  16. Object

    Object Veteran Crowfall Member

    It's still on my list it just really seems like a go big or go home game similar to how AA worked. I think if we want to be a player in this game we'll need what we had in the alpha of AA, a small group that can expand when the game releases. As I said though the game is still on my radar but I have a good amount of games on my radar as well. The thing is I don't see myself delving too deeply into the PvP so if we run a division here I will gladly help in management of our guild area and assist with the pve, I could even run the guild area organization like I did in AA if you guys would like but I'm not the best person to run the pvp side of any game let alone one that's really pvp heavy like this one.
  17. TwilightAngel

    TwilightAngel Red Queen Chronicles of Elyria Member

    Seems it have lock on targeting and point to click along with Free Aim.

    Also there seems to be some stuff taken from Blade & Soul, TERA, and AION.........

    Well lets see how well this does since so far a few games I tried that are from China were just used to get money from the players and went poof or supported seem to died off
  18. Peeked over some of the preview stuff and watched a little bit of Ani's stream last week. It just doesn't seem to have anything special about it that demands attention. It is from a smaller publisher, doesn't seem to push the boundaries on any new MMO principals, and doesn't polish any of the old concepts to a mirror shine. Also as Dark mentioned, most of the games a few of us have been waiting for are going to start hitting beta testing next year soon so my investment is in that. That and FF15 comes out soon soooooo.... : P
  19. Object

    Object Veteran Crowfall Member isn't a small publisher, it's the NA arm of which is 48th on alexa global and 5th in Russia. I may have already posted this but the developers, NetEase, are one of the largest gaming developers in the world which makes me confused as to why they didn't publish it themselves.

    You are right there really isn't that many 'unique' features, it has a ton of stuff from other games but everything is recycled nowadays. I think the most unique features I've seen in the past few years have been adding pokemon and selfies into an existing mmo...cough cough...

    With all that being said I'm still not 100% sold on this game, I know I have to play it but I'm not really sure how good it'll actually be.
  20. Didn't do Skyforge? I remember playing something they put out