Resto/Feral Durid

Discussion in 'Denied Applications' started by willyd213, Jul 18, 2009.

  1. willyd213

    willyd213 Guest

    1. Resto/Feral Duel Spec'd

    2. Leatherworker and Herbalism

    3. 2 Years

    4. Some PVP

    5. I'm 18

    6. Illinois

    7. College Student

    8. Different Server but guild was epicdemic

    9. In Dal when someone posted about your guild

    10. Yet still to get
    11. Might not be able to make it to 100% of it because of WORK

    12. I dont got the plug-ins

    13. Dont have any

    14. Thanks for the time
  2. well, the lack of the questions still being there makes it a little awkward...

    if you don't have a meter to post, screenshot someone posting healing meters... and that would take care of both screenshot requirements. i've tried to make the application more streamlined but you missed something up at the top that is rather vital to the process.

    one of our druids is very forum active and im sure would be helpful in checking this out.
  3. yeah... with the lack of answering anything specific, and no armory link, nor in game name how am I supposed to see who you are or what you do?

    Personally, with the lack of reading and doing what is told, how can we rely on you for a raid if you can not answer simple questions?

    Unlessyou are already in the guild and this is just a app for official terms or whatever.
  4. he's some guy i talked to in trade chat that seemed like he felt that signing up for the site and applying was like having teeth pulled. willy with a funky character. he said he had 2200 sp and 1100 spirit. in game inspection showed some good gear, but armory showed pvp gear, so i can't really see the stats for sure... and my browser history is gone from a system restore
  5. Ologhai

    Ologhai WoW Sargeras CO

    If he can't take the time out to fill an application the way we ask then why should we even consider him?
  6. yeah, I would say no.

    For the lack of effort on the app, plus feeling like it pulled teeth to sign up and app. We don't need that kind of attitude here imo.
  7. yeah, it was after 10 man friday where you were boomkin on armory, he read off his stats and they were similar to milk's i recall. I do agree that the app needs a bit more attention, but it was down at around 5am. I'll give him a day or so (maybe he's gone for the weekend or something) to come and show that he cares about raiding. I know from my conversations with higher ranked guilds, they all feel the same and give fewer chances than I do.
  8. Hmm by any chance do you recall his name?
  9. Ok, he has some decent gear... But his spec is wack out the ass....

    23 pts in balance is not needed, ever... especially to get IS and brambles?? Unless this is his pvp spec, but even though.. wow...

    He has sporadic 1s all over his resto tree...

    No WG at all, nor gotem which lowers GCD...

    Imp Barkskin..

    Please tell me this is his pvp spec and not raiding spec? But seeing as how he is logged out in pve gear I am going to assume this is his pve spec. I wouldn't even know where to look for his rotation as he does not have any of the raiding druid specs that are viable..

    I.e Healing touch, or like myself I rely on hots and such..
  10. yeah, its a pvp spec. but he doesn't appear to be serious. i put out our recruitment in trade chat, he talked to me for a few minutes, seemed like he didn't want to apply till i said it was a requirement, then i went back to my conversation with the invalid and bloodlines guys in vent.

    well, for the application, he can reply or respond to reopen if he wants to raid... as it would be with any guild above or equal in progression to us. it really is "get serious or get slower in boss kills"