Renaissance Kingdoms {Clan Graeme}

Discussion in 'Other Games (Not Listed)' started by Drakein, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. Drakein

    Drakein Guest

    Cheers Brothers in Arms!!

    I call you forth as i step into the Renaissance Age. I need your help to conquer the lands with Political/Military might. I know if we stand together in this trying times anything and everything will be possible.

    We shall go under the name Clan Graeme. As this is a Role-Playing and we must conform with the stories of the Renaissance Age.

    The current year is 1459. Galloway is stricken my Debt and poverty. Dangers are everywhere as they try to get what little Galloway has by force. To the north sits Glasgow ruled my a large group of thieves in Monarchy rule. Imprisoning and killing anyone that stands in their way and that does not conform to their rule.

    If we can get a lot of our Group to play this game. Which will only take 5 minutes of your time per day to do some actions i know we will be able to rule this game easily. Join me my brothers.

    Website: Renaissance Kingdoms
    My Profile: Sean Graeme
    Wiki: Renaissance Kingdoms Wiki
    Video: Video
    Review: User Review


    When you first Log-In you will receive a mail. This will be from the Chief-Mentor which will explain and help you with the basic functions of the game. After this you can go to this link to study more about the game.

    Complete List of Guides
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2011