Star Citizen Recruitment is now Open

Discussion in 'News - Front Page Posts' started by Doc, Apr 6, 2014.

  1. [​IMG]

    Recruitment is now open for Star Citizen. With only 3000 alpha spots remaining, now is the time to purchase a pledge ship and join us. With the dog fighting module launching in a couple of weeks, XoO will be focused on establishing leader board supremacy and seeking out other top pilots to join us when the persistent universe is launched.

    See you in the 'verse!
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2014
  2. Strong leadership and strong members will make us dominate! That and we also have Team DarkWing Duck!

    Doc likes this.
  4. Miir

    Miir Veteran Star Citizen Officer

    By the power of BACON!
    abdulrapidz likes this.
  5. NefariousVII

    NefariousVII Veteran

    Maybe consider bumping up the font on that recruitment image?

    Some of the most important information should jump out at the reader. You know, advertising 'n shit.
  6. Already working on it.
    NefariousVII likes this.
  7. Ike11000

    Ike11000 Veteran Chronicles of Elyria Member

    Maturity twice ???

    Once under elite, and once as a different section ?
  8. Samjizz

    Samjizz Staff Member Admin

    We're just that mature
  9. Rag

    Rag Veteran Crowfall Member

  10. We are all about maturity on team wafflestomp.
  11. [​IMG]

    nuff said
  12. [​IMG]

    nuff said
  13. Asan Drakus

    Asan Drakus Banned Crowfall Member

    Can't wait for this game to release. Might have to get around to pledging.
  14. check sig ... we are that awesome
  15. _Tron_

    _Tron_ Air Supremacy

    psh , wait till I can get the hornet and cockpit model imported correctly ;)