Rawr from Aion :p

Discussion in 'Public General Chat' started by DarkAeon, Oct 13, 2009.

  1. DarkAeon

    DarkAeon Guest

    hey guys n gals, just poking my head in here :D im DarkAeon from aion and RFO and was curious to who from RFO is playing Aion and whats ya IGN ^.^
  2. We have two different divisons - one for NA and one for EU. Most RF players went EU, but some of us (like me) play NA.
  3. DarkAeon

    DarkAeon Guest

    ah thats cool, so who's on EU side? i already found lightnin kitty :3 and Eel...i want moar!!
  4. hi there,
    dunno if you know me but im still playing rf and have not long recieved my copy of aion( supposed to be pre-order) well if had a quick go to see what its like and quite like it but what race is Xoo and what server do i log into to join you guys ?
    I know eskara has something to do with eu side so i hope to hear something soon and join you guys in game once again :)
  5. Server is Perento, Race Asmodian. You would need to apply for forum group membership though still (Quick guide can be found in the EU recruitment thread here: http://www.xoohq.com/forums/showthread.php?t=9023) Ive been out of game for almost 2 weeks due to being busy IRL so Insho is the best person to speak to at the moment.
  6. yup i found your app with info after i posted eskara...have made new char with correct race on that server. how come i gotta apply yet again you guys know me both you & ish. Well if thats what you want then np :)
    Hope to see you guys soon in game :)