Black Desert Raventuile's Application

Discussion in 'Denied Applications' started by Raventuile, Jul 18, 2017.

  1. Raventuile

    Raventuile Guest

    Are you over 18?:
    Do you have TeamSpeak 3 and a working microphone?:
    What previous gaming experience do you have?:
    Too many "games" to list, but in terms of games similar to BDO:

    Final Fantasy XIV ~2 years
    World of Warcraft ~5-6 years
    Everquest 2 ~1 year
    Final Fantasy XI ~2-3 years
    Do you have a member referral?:
    Do you prefer PvE or PvP and why?:
    PvE, but this would be in reference to past games. Most of the previous games I listed above concentrated heavily on PvE content. With the exception of very early Alterac Valley in WoW, I have found the PvE content of these games much more enjoyable.
    Where did you hear about us?:
    I was having a long chat with a member from Kiith-Sa about the game. The topic of joining a guild came up and he asked me what I was looking for in a guild. After I discussed what was important to me, he recommended your guild.
    Why do you want to join Xen of Onslaught?:
    The three things I emphasized that I was looking for were maturity, understanding, and friendliness.

    Maturity is a #1 priority for me. Too many experiences in past games have been ruined or tainted by people that sought out drama. While I may not be able to completely eliminate all unnecessary drama from my personal life, I sure can take steps to eliminate it from my gaming life. I love having fun, but not at the expense of others.

    Understanding is also incredibly important. I love playing games more than most other activities, but I have family, a job, local friends, and a couple other hobbies that I enjoy to partake in. I'm looking for understanding from XoO that while I will do what I can to aid XoO however I can, there will be other things that take priority over gaming (as ludicrous as that sounds!). I cannot foresee problems communicating when I can or cannot make guild events as long as there is some notice ahead of time.

    Friendliness seems like an obvious one. I'm new to this community (BDO) and there is an incredible amount of information to learn. In the short time I've been playing, I have been taking my time and doing my research to improve my gameplay, lifeskills, and my gear. However, there are experiences and things that are very difficult to take on alone. I'm looking for a place where I won't be completely shunned for only recently getting into the game. More importantly, I'm looking for a group of people that are fun to play with.
    What is your main character's name?:
    What is your family name?:
    What is your main Characters class and level?:
    Dark Knight 56
    What is your main character's AP?:
    Awakening AP 131 (additional +12 from set effects and +15 AP from weapon crystals)
    What is your main character's DP?:
    153 (could be higher, but have been saving upgrading efforts to focus on AP as the research that I've done say AP is paramount)
    Can you Make most Node War times? If no what days are you available?:
    My apologies, a quick cursory search of the forums didn't reveal the node war times to me. I work from home and live on the west coast of the US, so I'm occasionally available for 15-60 min blocks during the day...sometimes longer. I am very regularly online processing or fishing during work. At night, I tend to be available for more active play after 9PM PT and usually stay up until anywhere between 12-3AM PT.
    What is your timezone and regular play times.:
    Pacific USA, I'm online all the time, but I'm most active at the times I listed in the section above.

    If you have any further questions, feel free to ask!
  2. Raventuile

    Raventuile Guest

    Considering almost every other application here received a response within a few days and mine has not, I will assume you are uninterested or very busy. Either way, I wish you luck with your future endeavors. See you around!
  3. Hey sorry not sure if you are checking this still but we ended up merging with another guild so everything has been up in the air the last week.
  4. Raventuile

    Raventuile Guest

    Well hey, I stopped by to see if there was any sort of finality to this application, but I see you guys were indeed very busy with your merge. I've joined a lifeskill guild in the meantime under the provision that I can depart at any time I wish. Had to get those fishing buffs!

    I'm still around if you are interested in talking about recruitment.
  5. ah yeah node wars at 9pm-11pm est unfortunately thats how the devs set it up