Rakath's Application

Discussion in 'Accepted and on Probation' started by Rakath, Aug 11, 2012.

  1. Rakath

    Rakath Veteran

    Guild Wars 2 Application
    How old are you?
    In-Game Name?
    Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic?
    What is your prefered playstyle?
    What kinds of activities are you interested in?
    Previous Gaming Experience:
    Previous Reign of Xen [RoX] leader- I did extensive PvE- led a 100 member division of XoO GW. I also PvP'd with Onslaught of Xen [OoX] in my spare time for a number of years. When membership hit rock bottom and the game became redundant my division collectively decided to migrate to other games and stuffs. I moved to XoO's WoW Dragonmaw div for a good year or so. Eventually that game felt the same boredom/attrition and real life issues by many of the lead players too coincidentally. Faced with no XoO outlets in WoW that were in a good timezone for me, I found other groups to play with for a couple years. Lately I'm just biding my time for GW2 to come out and would enjoy finding my way back in with my original community of choice.
    Why did you choose XoO:
    I originally befriended Ruud Warrior shortly after the release of Guild Wars Factions. At the time he was a major leader in GW PvE. I worked my way into RoX and ultimately after a few years I found myself leading it. I was attracted to the open, tolerant, atmosphere.
    Why do you think you'll be a good fit?
    The shoe used to fit.
    My feet haven't changed any.
    What will you contribute to the guild?
    I suppose this is mostly dependent on what hours the division primarily plays during and also what activities are held during those times. I am in Houston TX, and will be typically playing between 11pm and 4am most days and probably most of the day on the weekends. I am willing to help out with whatever.
    Do you have a referral?
    A little bit about yourself?
    I perform fluorescence based multiparametric analysis of human leukocytes in efforts of determining lineage of malignancies of my patient samples. (I work in a lab in at MDAnderson Cancer Center.)
    But really, I have a good computer, fast internet connection, open mind, fast reflexes, and I learn very quickly.
    Activity level?
    30 to 50
    Do you have a high speed internet connection and a good computer?
    Have you applied to the GW2 usergroup?
  2. Rune

    Rune Officer Pickle

    Thank you for applying to GW2 Div Rakath, I've heard some good things from Han about you. Let me know when an interview would be good for you and we'll get you in.
  3. bean

    bean Guest

    No worries about leaving because games got old/boring, etc. That's very natural and it's why we wanted XoO to be a multi-gaming guild. We actually have an Aion division that is on it's way out because that game is older and losing membership faster than the leadership is recruiting and hopefully many of them will come play GW2 with us or play Planetside 2 when it comes out. However, if they do choose to move on, then we hope they'll remember us fondly and come back like you have done.

    Edit: It looks like Rune is handing the interview. Thanks! I'll go back to doing CO stuff now. :)
  4. Rune

    Rune Officer Pickle

    Interviewed and accepted. Welcome to XoO.
  5. Trice

    Trice Veteran Crowfall Member

    Welcome back Rakath !!!!!

    GAME ON!