Discussion in 'Public General Chat' started by TheEPIC, Dec 22, 2010.

  1. For some reason I find this game seriously addictive.


    My best is 67.1 meters
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2010
  2. I beat this game a long time ago. Took forever.
  3. Did you beat it by making QWOP run legitimately? Or did you make him inch forward awkwardly to the end?

    If you made him actually run/walk to the end then I applaud your patience.
  4. Walking in parts and after the hurdle mostly fumbling.
  5. my record was less than 5 meters.. however i managed a backflip
  6. and and i also managed to do the moonwalk for -4 meters
  7. Ryld Baenre

    Ryld Baenre Veteran FPS Member


    My buddy got pretty decent at this. There are speed run videos on youtube. It's an interesting game.
  8. Needs to be an iPhone app for this.
  9. I hate this damn game... ugh.. I suck at it badly lol

    iPhone version is now available on the App store! All modes now working. Follow @bfod for news.
  10. It's not the same though.
  11. goodbye, last half hour of my life. I spent you so well.
  12. I think I got up to 30 or 40 meters. Not bad. Then I hit the damn hurdle.
  13. My Uncle just talked to me about this today at the Christmas festivities, he had a hard time with it and he's an electrical engineer. Not that there is any correlation.
  14. It kinda reminds me of the old Atari game Track and Field.
  16. thekid

    thekid Guest

    so, i made it 6 m. and i was dying from laughing, in a min im going to post a video on youtube. i can't stop laughing.
  17. I really do hate this game.
  18. But you can't stop playing. Can you?
  19. No he can't. He is probably playing right now. I know I am.
  20. Jarien

    Jarien Veteran Crowfall Member

    OMG I want to rip my qowp keys off now. frustrating ass game.