Prepare to Die

Discussion in 'Upcoming Game Chatter' started by Arimil, May 4, 2011.

  1. Arimil

    Arimil Veteran Admin

    Last edited: May 5, 2011
  2. Bogatyr

    Bogatyr Guest

    oh look its demons souls, hopefully this one dosen't punish you for playing well/badly
  3. Arimil

    Arimil Veteran Admin

    What would be the point of that? It will, the developers have already stated that it will. It's not like every other game where I'm going to be a fairy princess and hold your hand through every step of the game.
  4. Bogatyr

    Bogatyr Guest

    the point would be to remove stupid shit from the game

    world and character tendency are fucking dumb, if i do well and dont die i get to be griefed by black phantoms and have my loot drops lowered

    if i die they make the enemies even thougher

    hopefully they keep the combat , but remove world tendency/character tendency and random bp invasion
    Last edited: May 5, 2011
  5. Arimil

    Arimil Veteran Admin

    I disagree, world tenancy was only dumb because if you played online it was bugged and would reset itself. BP invasion was one of the best parts of the game, especially the boss that summoned players. Invading/getting invaded was awesome. That is exactly what makes DS awesome. If you suck they say screw you now were making it harder. Like said they don't baby you and hold your hand, if you can't do it they don't go "oh we feel bad for you hold on let me give you some more hp and make the enemies attack less". They do the exact opposite if your having trouble with something they make it harder. It makes it all the more worthwhile when you complete it.

    World tendency I wasn't a huge fan of but I see both sides of that, however removing BP would piss me off to no extent.
    Last edited: May 5, 2011
  6. Aral

    Aral Veteran

    DS was a amazing game, and i look forward to Dark Souls and hope to god they dont mess it up by listening to people complaining about it being hard or the black phantoms... most BPs are just one-trick griefers anyway, if your a good player its basically free souls, i looked forward to getting invaded.

    ..and when the BP *doesnt* suck? that was some of the best fun i had with the game!
  7. Arimil

    Arimil Veteran Admin

    Last edited: May 15, 2011
  8. Tres

    Tres Guest

  9. Tres

    Tres Guest

  10. Raelinoith

    Raelinoith Minecraft Know-It-All

    Ehhh... I dunno Tres..took a while for the ps3 to come out after the 2..
  11. Sony CEO has said many times over the past 2 years, the latest being just this past June, that there are no plans to release the PS4 anytime soon as the PS3 continues to have a lot of life left in it.
  12. Tres

    Tres Guest

    Meh as far as the PS3. I already have the wii and xbox360, just waiting for the next generation ps to come out. I could care less if it's 4-5 years.
  13. Norrak

    Norrak Veteran

    It's about time for a new console... this freakin generation is limiting gaming right now. A 500$ PC can run every PS3/Xbox360 ports better and faster than the actual console. It's always like that, console goes way ahead of PC gaming, PC gaming catches up for cheap after a few years, new generation consoles comes out, etc.

    Now if they wait more than a year or so, the pattern is screwed up. And bad things happen when the pattern is screwed up... like years of shitty graphics on PC games because of console limitation.
  14. Well, the Wii U is supposed to come out sometime soon and have better graphics than the 360. A 360 successor is "in the works" but not time was actually given and it is supposed to be a bit far away, closer than a PS4 though. I don't really understand why Microsoft is like that because the contract for the graphics chip was given out a LONG time ago and the design (at least a first design?) was already done a while ago. It was supposed to be a custom chip based of AMD's 7000 series graphics cards but that seems to have all disappeared now. The only one that's concrete now days is the new Wii

    As a side note, AMD has the graphics contract on the new Wii, the new XBox, and was rumored to have it on the new Playstation when it finally went into development.

    ANHYWAY, back on topic. This looks like it would work out pretty nicely on the 360. And the trailers are very nice.
  15. Tres

    Tres Guest

    All I have to say is screw you all, I ended up buying a ps3 today. I've been wanting to put a console in my bedroom so I figured what the hell (360 and wii are in living room on separate tv's so that when friends are over we all can play at same time, damn I need a life).


    (reason for screw you is talking me into it just by suggesting it)
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2011
  16. Welp, that's good you got it now at least. The PS3 got price cuts this past week.
  17. Welcome to Playstation!
  18. Tres

    Tres Guest

    Thanks Sam :)