Portable Super nintendo gameboy

Discussion in 'Public General Chat' started by The Cox, Jan 5, 2012.

  1. I think ill stick with my phone ^_^
  2. Fikusan

    Fikusan Veteran Final Fantasy Member

    Yar NES emulation on iTouch saves me the $100!
    Oh and I saw this on FB... Mister repost this everywhere!
  3. mercsan

    mercsan <font color=ff00ff size=1>T</font><font color=ff00 Crowfall Member

  4. Damn, that's hot! I want one!! :D

    Nothing like the good 'ol look and feel of an SNES.

    And lol, check this out.

    If you know anything about electronics (not saying you don't), then you'll know that's both fake and gain. There's a reason why comments were disabled on that vid.
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2012
  5. How do you know its fake Rubius? yeah and Zelda is that way too lol
  6. There are lots of ghetto chinese consoles out th ere.
  7. The 100$ kills it, as it can be easily emulated through an IPhone or something similar. Funny tho, because I was playing Super Nintendo emulated on my PC last night! :p
  8. DS r4 already has an emulator, and it plays homebrew games like super mario Kaizo.

    The real benefit here is that you can plug in carts which have vector graphics buffers in em (only a handful of SNES games have them) which makes them awful to emulate and have a way too large overhead to run on portable boxes (donno if iphones are powerful enough even).

  9. Because you can't fit a PS3 in a small device like that.

    Sure, there is the option of building the electronics from scratch (as done with the SNES handheld), but with today's technology, that simply isn't possible... and won't be for another decade or two.

    That handheld is probably a PS1 or something, playing a video clip of CoD.
  10. Well I did find a portable N64 that was built from using a GBA case. Who knows.. but still pretty awesome.
  11. http://www.playerschoicevideogames.com/pd_mobile.cfm

    Here's something that didn't catch on back in the day-- it was an LCD screen that attached to the top of the GC, it basically turned the GC into a big honkin laptop.

    If only we could ACTUALLY have a console/laptop hybrid with a keyboard and OSX or windows.
  12. There is something similar. Not sure if you're familiar with Ben Heck, but the dude made a few Xbox 360 laptops. He basically retrofitted an Xbox into a laptop profile. Now if only it had Windows.

    Read about it here: http://benheck.com/Games/Xbox360/x360_page_1.htm

  13. Nah, if console gamers figure out that they can buy controllers that pug into computers the entire industry is gone by morning.
  14. uh ps3/xbox 360 controllers plug into a computer?
  15. :D yep, plus it's not just console gamers that are morons. It's the entire gaming community, due to the fact its (for the most part) anonymous, people tend to act quite differently than in a normal social environment, when something you would say, would actually have physical consequences.
  16. What consequences?
  17. To deal with an actual person, I can honestly say I have never been called a c*ck s*cking n***(you get the point) in the line at the grocery store, but, when gaming, ive been called that on more than one occasion.

    If someone called me that, imagine the other people's reaction, when I said physical, I really didn't mean a punch in the face per say(but it could happen) but rather consequences in the real world.
  18. Social consequences then, yeah I agree, social and emotional responsibility are sorely lacking on the web. Honestly I blame text-- text allows emotional projection only if the user opens him/herself to feel the subtext rather than just comprehending it.

    I think that relating, understanding and opening of ones selves is one of the most important things you can do-- it's such a shame such an enjoyable hobby has such a retarding means of this.