Planetside 2 Organizer deadline

Discussion in 'News - Front Page Posts' started by Mordeuis, Mar 23, 2012.

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  1. [​IMG]

    Fellow XoO members,

    The time draws near for the much anticipated beta of one game that's story runs in the blood of all XoObies, Planetside 2! With this beta comes certain necessities, such as appointing an organizer. There have already been a number of applications, however the deadline is quickly approaching. If you intend to apply as organizer for Planetside 2, your application must be submitted by 1 APR 2012. If you're still wondering what Planetside 2 is, I've included a brief game overview for your reading pleasure. Enjoy!

    PlanetSide 2 takes all the groundbreaking features from the original game – massive multiplayer battles, distinct empires to rally around, and enormous continents where intense ground and air combat unfolds – and adds features that modern gamers have come to expect out of the FPS and MMO genres. With advanced technology, years of gamer feedback, and a new SOE proprietary MMO game engine called Forgelight™, PlanetSide 2 offers a truly competitive and visceral FPS experience with massive warfare, massive customization and massive community.

    Across the continents of Auraxis, thousands of players will come together in enormous battles to win control of critical territories and key resources for their empire. With a an extensive skill tree and free-form class-based system, players will be able to customize their soldier, weapons and vehicles to match their play-style, as well as the needs of their squad, outfit or empire. Battles can last for days or weeks, so players will need to build alliances and specialized combat outfits to take on long-term strategic and tactical initiatives. With air and ground combat, the battles will be larger and more intense than ever.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2012
  2. Woohoo, lets do it!
  3. Is it time yet? I wanna play now!
  4. Not interested in organizing, but I am definitely playing this game
  5. Miss you, Q!
  6. I'm excited.
  7. I wanna see the Flying Circus.. P-Dog /Check.. Oh wait? What was this thread about, so waiting for this beta! :cool:

    Every time I take a shit and read PC Gamer... This game looks so awesome!
  8. Don't you worry. The flying circus will be back in PS2!
  9. Deadline reached. Hopefully we shall get some news soon. Closing thread.
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