Phobed's Application

Discussion in 'Denied Applications' started by Phobed, May 29, 2012.

  1. Phobed

    Phobed Banned

    TERA (EU) Application
    How old are you?
    Just turned 22 today(29th of may)
    In-Game Name?
    Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic?
    What is your primary class?
    What are you looking for in a community/guild and how do you feel XoO will forfill your needs
    I want to play with people that has similar mindset as myself when it comes to PvP and PvE, that are serious in what they do but still enjoy the game and has a good time over voicecom. I don't really approve of zergish guilds, I have always felt that small or mid-sized guilds is where its at. Quality over quantity anyday! I've always been more of a PvP person because I love it, but I grind dungeons as much as its needed aswell. I'm looking for a community with great people and really good players that enjoys the game to its fullest. I expect what I expect from myself everytime I play, to improve on anything you can and anything you do wrong. Its easy to mark the mistakes of your teammates and help each other to improve and I dont mind receiving constructive criticism on my playstyle or mistakes.
    why do you think you will fit in on your previous awnser
    I think I will fit in because I love and enjoy doing PvP whenever, however, wherever. I love small PvP events that just the guild run for traning, experience or just plain fun. I always play to my fullest and I think I can fit in with you guys very well! I'm very active in both PvP and PvE.
    What is your focus on in the game
    Both PvP and PvE, but I prefer PvP because I'm a PvP person at heart and I love fighting other people in MMOs. I do a lot of dungeon running too ofcourse. I have +7 rebirth lance and +6 on the rebirth chest/gloves/boots. This will all improve to +9 tomorrow asap(hopefully, if my luck holds) once the vendors are available again, since I have a lot of enchantment fodder in my bank and currently 13k gold.
    Are we the first guild you join in this game
    Yes, you are the first guild indeed, I haven't been in a guild since launch. I leveled 1-60 completely solo and I have grinded FoK and BT with pugs aswell.
    Link us your Glyph build using the glyph builder and explain wy you picked those glyphs - This is my PvE build. I don't think there's much else you can change about it, I like the power on spring attack because it deals quite a lot of damage and I use it pretty often while tanking. - This is my PvP build. I like this setup because you gain both a lot of mobility and high damage. And you gain nice survivability with both of the iron will glyphs.
    Previous Gaming Experience:
    I've been gaming as far back as I can remember, but WoW was probably the first game I took very serious. I have done both PvE and PvP throughout the start of Vanilla until Cataclysm. I have cleared all the PvE content in every expansion and I got gladiator title in TBC which is a high PvP ranked achievement in arena. I played in a top 5 worldwide PvE guild called Last Resort who were known in TBC for their high quality PvE movies and progress.
    Servers I have played on are mostly Stormscale, Kazzak and Outland.

    I also played Aion serious and managed to kill S-grade at level 50 on Perento as asmodian side as the tank in the group(Templar), and we were the first on the asmodian side to kill it. Had some great PvP experieces in that game aswell!
    What is your activity level?
    I play a lot. I'd say its around 10-16 hours a day.
    When will your activity level be the highest
    Right now I dont work nor go to school so it's pretty much the same everyday, I don't do much else than sit at the computer.
    Do you have a referral?
    No I don't. I don't think I know anyone from your guild.
    A little bit about yourself?
    My name is Rikhard and I live in Sweden. I'm 22 years old and I am currently unemployed, I dont study atm either but I will continue that eventually. I'm an easygoing guy with a very average lifestyle. I don't do much else than sit at the computer either playing and/or watching series/movies/anime. Other than that I go to the gym and occasionally hang out with my friends.
    Do you have a high speed internet connection and a good computer?
    Have you applied to the TERA usergroup?
    Last edited: May 29, 2012
  2. Lailana

    Lailana Veteran Crowfall Member

    Hi, thank you for your application. I have sent you a PM with our
    Teamspeak Info. Please join us when you have the time.
  3. Happy birthday !!!!! :D
  4. Phobed

    Phobed Banned

    Hah thanks! I'll join TS tomorrow then I guess, when our stores finally open again Q_Q
  5. Lailana

    Lailana Veteran Crowfall Member

  6. Keller

    Keller Banned

    Trial period failed. You've left the guild.