Phat Loot Thread

Discussion in 'FPS Public Chat' started by PersonalRiot, Nov 14, 2017.

  1. Thread to post your phat loot. Be it exotics, trials, raid gear, whatnots.

    Week 2 reward for killing Calus. Was able to down him Sunday morning with a pretty decent group.

    Dropped for me after Bath with Xens. Apparently it is good; haven't used it much <_< Too much Better Devils

    Just dropped! Apparently it is awesome, got it from token turn-in after soloing the bonus key chests. Excited to try it out : D

    Exotic sparrow; shoot off flames. Honestly I think it is worst than my instant mount sparrow but bling bling motherfucker.

    Decent Striker helm, dropped off key chest. Finally got a 300 exotic now.
    EniGmA1987 likes this.
  2. skullfort is also available off the vendor this week right?
  3. Im just going to copy your picture of the rocket launcher here:


    Got it as the first engram from the vendor when I was turning in raid tokens as well.

    Ill try and get a picture of the titan raid helmet tonight. Got that one as a drop for beating Calus.
  4. Yeah, it is pretty decent if you aren't rocking anything else. Striker is pretty insane good atm mostly due to pulse grenades. Nice Enigma - finally got to try it out tonight in the nightfall. It is fucking awesome - without a doubt a monster of a power weapon.
  5. Jes

    Jes Veteran Crowfall Member

    i haz no phat lootz =(
  6. [​IMG]

    WTF bungie?!? Your RNG sucks.
    Ravnis likes this.
  7. Jes

    Jes Veteran Crowfall Member

    @EniGmA1987 you dare show this to me?!!?!! lol im still waiting for mine. i keep getting that stupid submachine gun and sword, i want them auto or rocket launcher

  8. Ya its weird how when you get a certain few items, you tend to keep getting those certain few items from then on. That was supposed to be fixed foir exotics, but it still seems like that is the case for exotic as well, and definitely that way for legendaries.
  9. Don't worry the last run I got double mob justice from the tokens. <_< Oh well. It is a pretty fun submachine gun. I like how you have 4 Ghost Primus at this point lol.
  10. [​IMG]

    Got my last exotic boots last night. : D They are pretty fun to play around with and make me feel like I have Gundam legs. Now I am just missing the Sunbreaker chest piece and I have finished my titan collection. Also got the hand cannon as a raid drop this week, holy fuck I am in love. Rampage+Outlaw < 3 It is like a weapon in Destiny 2 actually had good handpicked perks for once.
  11. thats creepy
  12. I ended getting a masterwork yesturday while doing my weeklies. It was the stick nade launcher - after running around Mercury for a bit with it I decided the cores would be more worthwhile. In retrospect, I should have just held on to it until I needed the core. I hope everyone had better luck getting something sweet this week. I'll be looking to upgrade my main weapons soon hopefully and we can start generating a ton of orbs. : D
  13. Deadend

    Deadend Veteran Crowfall Member

    Destiny 2 where you wear your enemies head for a hat.
  14. Xur has Nighthawk this week. I highly recommend picking it up even if you don't have a hunter as your main. It has always been (and likely will be) one of the best raid items for Hunters in Destiny.
  15. Opened my fated engram today. Guess who is making orbs tomorrow >: D

    EniGmA1987 likes this.
  16. That should greatly help out damage output, being able to spam supers every damage phase.