PC Sound System

Discussion in 'Tech Talk' started by Ryld Baenre, Nov 15, 2013.

  1. Rbstr

    Rbstr Veteran

  2. Ryld Baenre

    Ryld Baenre Veteran FPS Member

    I picked up the Creative Z today from Canadacomputers for 120. I've decided to give the open headphones a shot first and if they are unacceptable I will return them. Even with some sound leaking I think that it will be quiet enough as compared to speakers since they are that much closer to my head. I also like the idea of being able to hear someone if they are trying to get my attention.
  3. Ryld Baenre

    Ryld Baenre Veteran FPS Member

    Well, turns out you can't test headphones in futureshop and can't return them once they are open so I won't be buying HD 558s. Instead, the gfs step dad is huge into A/V stuff and has a ton of headphones lying around. He had a pair of HD 595s sitting in his truck when we were there yesterday that he has only used once or twice and is going to let me have them for $90. I had a chance to test them with his m-audio DAC (firewire 410 I believe). I compared the HD595 and HD380Pro. HD 595 sounded better over all while the 380 sounded better on the lower end, the difference between 8 and 12 KHz response range along with a closed headphone.

    I found a couple dealers for presonus in my area that can get me the speakers for ~190 and they are being released on the 20th. GFs dad recommended akg rokit 6 but they seem to be a little large for computer speakers, especially when I have a desk that is only ~6 inches wider than my monitor on either side.

    In the mean time, for a mic, I'm going to see how the mic that came with the Z works. I don't expect much out of it but if the audio is alright I may just stick with it. Obviously would have to use PTT in that case.
  4. Dag

    Dag Veteran

    I'm glad I found this thread. A week or so ago, I found a Creative Soundblaster X-Fi Titanium card lying in my closet. I was gonna put it in my computer and run with it, but it only has a red & white input. The current speakers I'm using plug into my sub which has a green connector. I can either plug the speakers into the headphone jack on the card or plug the l/r speakers into the card and have no sub. Any suggestions for speakers that'll actually work with this?
  5. Rbstr

    Rbstr Veteran


    Should hep you identify where to plug things. I don't quite get your setup.
    The speakers you have plug into your sub? Then you should just need to plug your sub in.
    Which thing has only the red/white connectors? If it's the speakers that's not really a problem. The mini-plug that goes into the soundcard is actually the same thing as the split l/r red/white plugs. You would just need a mini-plug to RCA connector. That looks like this:
  6. Dag

    Dag Veteran

    Alright, I just realized how dumb I am. It's a sound blaster titanium HD, which has
    And optical (I think that's what it's called… the clear inputs)
    I m currently using the xfi titanium that you thought of and I've got no problem
    My speakers have red and white endings and plug into my sub which then goes into my card via lime green connector, but the titanium HD doesn't have that
    If I'm still making no sense I can get a picture when I get home
  7. It doesnt make sense because no one knows what color means, since color has no bearing whatsoever on the type of connection or where it is supposed to go. I realize the "red and white" you have are RCA connections. Those are used simply to color code left/right channels of the RCA, but they arent the only colors you will see. Sometimes white i replaced with black, and yellow is always RCA video. Then there are other colors too for the same type of connection if there is an input or output for component. "lime green" is a generic 1/8" stereo speaker output from the sound card. Those are all I know since those are the most commonly used things, the rest of the colors you are talking about are just different 1/8" outputs for different channels probably.
  8. Dag

    Dag Veteran

    Yeah you're right, it turns out I really am a dumbass... I just plugged the 2.1 into the mono jack and everything is working fine.
  9. Ryld Baenre

    Ryld Baenre Veteran FPS Member

    The change in noise from no music to music playing for the 595s is 45 to 55 dB according to a little app on the handy Q10. I know not accurate but just a comparison I suppose.
  10. haibane

    haibane Veteran Crowfall Member

    Dag do u have an optical (or S/PDIF) out in ur card and an input on ur speakers system by any chance ?

    I had plugged my edifier 2.1 on the "speakers" output of the sound card with a red/white and the sound sucked ass. Now with the S/PDIF to optical it's perfect
  11. Rbstr

    Rbstr Veteran

    That probably has something to do with your speakers having their own receiver/amp/decoder box thing. What did you have the soundcard's output settings at?