Discussion in 'Elder Scrolls Online Public Chat' started by Leoben, Apr 25, 2014.

  1. We had a Council meeting last night and all three of the current council members are in complete agreement that we are very much loving this game and have no desire to leave it anytime in the foreseeable future. Based on this we have determined that we very much want to do end game adventure zones (AKA Raids) as well as veteran dungeons and most importantly RvR. Currently we have about 21 members in game. Of those 21 members some have not logged in a while and are afk or have stopped playing, some are still piddling around in the low teens deciding on a final class to level, some are nearing 50 and even a few have moved into the veteran ranks.

    It is our intention to open recruiting to the public as soon as we get a few more people to level 50. That magic number would be around 8 people at level 50 or higher. Our reasoning for this magic number, is that if we have new members come in that are level cap, they will come in expecting to be able to run content. If we cannot run content, due to too many people still not at 50, then they will just leave.

    This is not a post trying to get you all to hurry up and level. If it is your wish to take your sweet time smelling the pretty flowers then by all means do so, however if it is your wish to start doing end game pve and pvp content then hurry the hell up and get to 50 so we can open the doors to the public and get some more people in here.

    We currently have 4 people in the veteran ranks, so we only need 4 more for open recruitment.

    Additionally, we are working on an alliance with another guild that we have pvp'ed and raided with in many other games. If this alliance does not work out we will find other alliances.
  2. Glad to hear it is going well more or less. I know that as long as a few core guys stick with the game it should be possible to increase your numbers and see the raid content later. Best of luck.
  3. I am so amazed at how well this game has turned out. It has definitely exceeded my expectations up to this point. So far the levelling was gravy train easy and the dungeons have been pretty easy aoe fests. We have only cleared the first 11 of the normal dungeons. We are about to start wading neck deep in some RvR guild wise so I can give you a better perspective in a couple weeks on that part of the game.
  4. Rumor

    Rumor Veteran Star Citizen Member

    Yeah, I'm on point with you Leoben. I'm really surprised how much I'm enjoying this game. The RvR is fantastic.
  5. Reinier

    Reinier Veteran

    I still have my Imperial Edition physical edition in its box lol, I just had too many other things on backlog for MMO's right now. I'm glad to hear that the game is fun though, many people were giving it bad reviews at launch saying stuff like its "Elder Scrolls Lite" or a watered down Skyrim but im sure that the devs probably released alot of updates after launch.
  6. Meh. I played it and enjoyed it but its not fun after about a month. Has the "single player with other people around" problem that other mmo's have.
  7. Rumor

    Rumor Veteran Star Citizen Member

    After a lot of time put in, I still only enjoyed the RvR, which got annoying with their lack of patching and balancing. Still a great RvR game but there's' nothing else there. The raid was a joke.