OMG Aventurine is HILARIOUS!

Discussion in 'Public General Chat' started by Blackwolf99, Jun 26, 2009.

  1. Blackwolf99

    Blackwolf99 Guest

    I thought this was super funny regarding Darkfall:

    "On the American server: The American server will launch on July 7th. Characters from the European server can be cloned and moved without their possessions 3 months after the American launch. Certain restrictions and charges will apply, to be announced at a later date. In the meanwhile if you want to play on the American server at launch you need to buy the American Darkfall client. More information on the American server will be available in a few days."

    I am so glad I quit this game when I did. If I had kept playing waiting for an NA server, I would have quit when I read this.

    I swear Aventurine is the worst game company I've ever dealt with. They make Funcom look successful.
  2. WOW! What a bunch of fucking scammers.
  3. t0aster

    t0aster Guest

    Really? I am so confused on what to say I've probably started typing and erased 50 times. SO I'll end on.. Mortal Online please do not follow in their footsteps!
  4. wow... for such a long awaited game, they go and do this? sigh..
  5. That really makes me mad.. I've regretted paying for it before, but now.... much much more. That's fucking retarded.
  6. That's pretty terrible... I feel sorry for the people that play this game, who will now have to buy the game a second time AND pay to get their toons transferred.
  7. Baylian

    Baylian Guest

    Two words, RIP OFF!
  8. hahaha

    Looking at the forums, it seems the game has utterly bombed with most of the few subscribers they had gone already. Glad I didn't spend any money on it after their ordering debacle.

  9. ding ding ding ... my thoughts exactly
  10. Panacea

    Panacea Banned

    What is it with game companies making such terrible decisions, it's like a fucking trend.
  11. Dark and Light Fall much?
  12. Ryld Baenre

    Ryld Baenre Veteran FPS Member

    How can these companies get away with this when in a game like GW you can switch for free. Mind you only a limited number of least last time I checked which was quite a while ago. Also they have a mixed area for all the countries to interact.
  13. well, i think that middle ground is smart here:

    have EU=>NA xfer servers that are only for xfers, then have fresh servers... cause some people don't play servers on other continents
  14. Blackwolf99

    Blackwolf99 Guest

    Normally I would agree, but AV is delusional. They don't have enough subs to fill one server let alone 2. Even when we were all playing during the second "rush", the server just barely felt full. The fact that they restricted sales for so long is one of the main reasons the game is dead imho. They should have opened sales to everyone, got everyone into the game, officially called it paid beta, then wipe everyone and start new servers in both EU and NA when the game was "ready".

    If a $14.99/mo subscription fee can't allow accomodations for 1 person infinate times over, the developers did something VERY wrong.

    They won't get away with it, and I bet within the next 2 years, AV will be out of business. At least, they better be.
  15. I give it less than 2 years...
  16. Sirius

    Sirius Veteran Crowfall Member

    GW seems to have moved to a model where your region just determines where you start out... I can switch to European districts as well. Although come to think of it I'm not sure whether I can go to the others.
  17. I hope people mass cancel the second they buy the hardware for the second server.. so they get stuck with the bill! lol
  18. GW you can play on whatever district you choose, whenever you want now. International districts are just legacy from when you could only switch up to 5 (approx) times.
  19. Zet

    Zet Guest

    Wow, that's fucking terrible...
  20. well, this wasn't a programmer issue more than management/leadership.... they'll just be absorbed into a more competitive company