MMO (FFXIV, WoW, or Bless) Omar's Application

Discussion in 'Denied Applications' started by Omar, Aug 30, 2014.

  1. Omar

    Omar Guest

    How old are you?:
    What is your in-game name?:
    Eternus Vita
    Have you read the FFXIV Code of Conduct?:
    Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a working microphone?:
    What is your main class?:
    What alternate classes do you have?:
    What is the highest turn you have completed in The Binding Coil of Bahamut?:
    Turn 7 Completed!
    What is your highest level of progression in terms of the Primals?:
    Killed all primals Except Ramuh (Extreme)
    A little bit about yourself? Gaming history, habits, etc...:
    I play a lot......i like to Maximize all my gear. i know a few stuff about tanking stats numbers.
    How many hours do you play per week, on average?:
    Around 40 i play everyday!
    What times can you consistently play:
    From 2:00 to 6:00 (i forgot my time zone)
    and from 2:00 to ??? my days off
    Are you planning on being part of the FC, static, or both?:
    Were you reffered to XoO? If so, enter the name of the person who referred you to XoO:
    Party Finder
    What is the lodestone link to your character?:
  2. Mishka

    Mishka Veteran FPS Member

    Hello :D Are you able to do the interview later today? Or tomorrow?
  3. Omar

    Omar Guest

    Tonight i can.
  4. Mishka

    Mishka Veteran FPS Member

    We raid at 3 PM GMT and hopefully looking into running for atleast 2 hours. You'll need to find you local equivalent. I'll be able to have an interview all day
  5. Mishka

    Mishka Veteran FPS Member

    People doing T6 with a PuG during raid days is not something we are looking for. DENIED
  6. Omar

    Omar Guest

    You guys need to be more responsible with the Raid..... i was here 2 days in a row.