OG member, new update

Discussion in 'Public General Chat' started by The Cox, Mar 17, 2018.

  1. Wow, where do I even start? This is going to be a long one, so sit back and grab a cup of coffee, you are in for a story.

    2006 - RF: Online - Closed Beta - "Want to join an awesome guild full of amazing people who will help out in a moment's notice? PvP oriented - Whisper Kyu"

    That moment was when my XoO journey started and one that would take me on such a long adventure that to this day created real life friends outside of the game that I will always be thankful for and will cherish memories of them forever.

    Hi there, I'm The Cox, I was an OG member of XoO back in 2006 during the RF: Online and Planetside 1 days, I played with so many wonderful people, Kyoji, PDog, Epyon, Q, Dash, Reigner, TheBerch, lime and so many more that I can't possibly name them all.

    Many of you might remember me as being a young, brash, hard headed individual who didn't take shit from anyone and raged harder than anyone as Reigner and Berch killed me in my base in Dota which was recorded by the way, so it's out there somewhere.

    Well there was a reason for all of that and I'll spare you all the gory details, but for the last year of my life I have been transitioning from The Cox to TwitchKylie. I have been undergoing a medical transition and I still rage from time to time, but I'm more relaxed and laid back at this point.

    I love every single one of you, old and new, current and former, from one old school member of XoO to everyone, I salute you all

    Damn, it's good to be back here.

    Aka The Cox

    Bonus pic for those of you who remember me from way back when, here's an update:



    Ravnis likes this.

    DARKTIDE!! Veteran Staff Member Xen of Onslaught CO

    Welcome back to the fold! Interesting experience I bet transitioning. Like the grumpy old guys said before we use the discord now more than anything from the new guys feel free to pop in and we will get you all your tags and things. We are in a bit of a LUL right now cause of some of the games. Yet everyone talks, bullshits, and has fun as much as we can.
    The Cox likes this.
  3. Was wondering where you had taken off to, it's tough being one of the few ragers around
  4. TwilightAngel

    TwilightAngel Red Queen Chronicles of Elyria Member

    OMG hey there!!!!!!
  5. Welcome back! It's been a while! :cool:
  6. Been a while for me too! How's everyone!?
  7. Ravnis

    Ravnis Veteran FPS Member

    Welcome back and glad to see you taking strides to be the person you envision yourself to be. Many props for being that strong, I hope to see you around more often.