Ofocks application.

Discussion in 'Accepted and on Probation' started by Ofock, Jun 18, 2010.

  1. Ofock

    Ofock Guest

    1. Age (18+ Requirement): 24

    2. In-Game Name: ofock/gisborne/ophock (if i can get one of these)

    3. Do you have TeamSpeak3 and a mic?:I do not have TS i use VENT and a mic. i have no problem Dling TS if thats what is used.

    4. Previous gaming experience:Tribes/swg/ffxi/wow/lotro/gw/Coh/war/l2/eq2/Fez/pw/archlord/aion/rf. im sure i forgot some.

    5. Why did you choose XoO?: i picked XoO based on your recruitment thread on terafans. after reading your About us part XoO seemed like a guild that i wanted to be apart of."This is the most organized and most goal oriented guild i have ever come across. The player base is mature, talented, and hardcore. We have fun and dominate at the same time. You will not find a better guild to be in" is what really got me to notice it hearing it from a member talking so highly about his guild of 2 years is something i want to be apart of a long term guild thats not going any where.

    6. Why do you think you'll be a good fit?:i think i will fit in because im a team player im not looking out for number 1 im looking out for whats best for me and my guild mates.

    7. What will you contribute to the guild: I will contribute to the guild my full attention and dedication my willingness to do what i have to do to get my job done. I offer me someone who is willing to make 100% of raids/pvp events and while there give it my 100%.

    8. How will you improve our guild and be a valued member?: I will improve the guild and be a valued member by doing what it takes to be the best at my class. im able to take constructive criticism learn from my mistakes. Im a team players im willing to help people when ever needed.

    have a referal?: I do not.

    10. A little bit about yourself: Im 24 years old i enjoy long walks on the beach, candlelight dinner for 2, im easy on the eyes. :p

    11. Activity Level? (hrs/week)
    (minimum of 30 hours a week requirement)

    i can do 12hrs aday 7 days a week if needed lol.
  2. App looks complete and decent.

    What Server/legion were you in WAR?
    What server/legion were you in AION?
    Why did you leave game/legions, or/are you still in those legions/games and still playing. (both questions)

    We are asking all our new TERA members to join a supported division and play that game until TERA is released. We reccommend Battlefield: Bad Company 2 for our TERA members since TERA has a FPS aspect to it. If you can do that and Kyoji doesnt have any questions for you then I dont see why I shouldnt accept you.
  3. Ofock

    Ofock Guest

    I forgot the server for war but the legion was a guild one from wow a few of us went to go try it and we didnt like it after awhile the name was last ascension.

    Aion server was Kaisinel and the legion was mine and it was called nex liberi.i was the legion leader and after 3 months of playing and people not logging in officers quiting because of the grind etc. we jsut called it quits.

    I left last ascension after the guild broke apart some people left over loot drama then we took a month break and when we started raiding again the gleader wasnt happy and stop playing. we left to go make our own guild for casual raiding.

    i am not aion or war atm.

    Ill give bfbc2 a try when i have some extra cash to spend.
  4. ACCEPTED. Probation ends after 30 days. Post around and get to know everyone.

    Make sure you check out the New Recruits Guide for TERA and do what it says. The game will be a while till release so stay active on the forums. Whenever they release the next testing phase you are welcome to join us in TS3 and in game.

    TS3 info is stickied in the Members Area. We encourage you to look at games we are currently playing and give them a shot until release to get to know us and for us to get to know you.
    You now have access to the forums, the direct link to TS3 info is located here

    Remember to pick up a copy of Battlefield: Bad Company 2 or Age of Conan. Both can be purchased via STEAM, since TERA is a long time from release we want to have our TERA members getting to know each other. Of course you are welcome to play any of the other supported games, however you would need to contact the CO that is listed on the main page to the right for info on how to join. If you have any other questions/comments dont hesitate to ask.

    Cya IG and have fun.
  5. Ofock

    Ofock Guest

    When i try going to the links i get.

    "you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

    Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
    If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation."
  6. it takes a few, u should be able to access everything now