No Man's Sky

Discussion in 'Other Games (Not Listed)' started by Ironjaw, Aug 24, 2016.

  1. poop or not poop?
  2. Deadend

    Deadend Veteran Crowfall Member

    Well I can tell you that all the cool shit in the trailers and interviews doesn't seem to actually exist in the game.
    Unless they have some major patches on the way defiantly not worth the price of a AAA game. Also buggy as old hell.

    DARKTIDE!! Veteran Staff Member Xen of Onslaught CO

    Its fucking crap do not waste til the end of the galaxy (seriously someone did the math and people playing 24/7 x the amount of people on earth would be something like 1500 years to discover everything) to play that game.
  4. Baalzubub

    Baalzubub Veteran Crowfall Member

    I didn't play the game and heard people complained that all planet feel samey and nothing in the center of the galaxy...
  5. Ujnex

    Ujnex Veteran Chronicles of Elyria Officer

  6. Object

    Object Veteran Crowfall Member

    Elite Dangerous > No Features Sky

    From what I've been told by a buddy NMS doesn't even give you the option to manually land on a planet, it auto-lands for you. At least in ED there is a challenge at guiding your spaceship through the tiny spinning opening to dock....landing is also manual in ED if you want it.
  7. Object

    Object Veteran Crowfall Member

    So ya...I own NMS now...and I actually like it...Go figure looking at my previous post.

    So what happened was this update came out and I looked over the notes and was like, hmm, I guess Hello Games is not just ditching the game and running away with everyones money. Hell I half expected small patches and then paid DLCs due to the reputation of the company but this new patch is fairly good imo.

    There are a bunch of things that I thought from reading everyone elses review that are wrong, I stated that it auto-pilots you on to the planet surface, this is kinda true but it doesn't auto-pilot you from space you can still fly close to the surface even shoot the surface with your ships guns. Hitting e to 'auto land' just takes you takes you down for a safe landing which is kinda handy imo. Another popular complaint is all the planets are similar, this isn't really true. You can technically find planets with similar attributes but from my personal experience all the planets I've encountered are very different.

    I've mostly been playing on the new survival mode and it is incredibly challenging, it feels like Don't Starve, Subnautica, and Starbound had a baby. I bought it for 40% off and if I didn't currently have an active sub on TESO I'd be playing it non-stop, I've already put about 12ish hours into it and I had to force myself to get back on TESO before my sub runs out to get my moneys worth.

    Is it worth the $60 pricetag? Maybe. It's a lot less buggy than Subnautica but it's essentially Starbound with Subnautica graphics, the space fighting is fun, reminds me of playing ED a lot, base building is exactly the same as Subnautica, and the new survival mode is at Don't Starve levels of resource management.

    Subnautica is priced at $21.99 CAD but I feel NMS is a LOT more polished and the procedural generation gives me a LOT more replayability than Subnautica so I'd say NMS is worth $30-$50 CAD max. NMS off sale is priced at $69.99 CAD so that's what $59.99 USD? Wait for a 25-50% off sale if you are interested in playing a 3D version of Starbound that gives ship to ship combat.
  8. I suspect that the train has already left the station on this one Object. Glad you are enjoying it, but I don't think that Hello can recover from the absolutely crushing negative PR that they got on this title. If it winds up in the bargain bin at $20 a few months from now, it wouldn't surprise me.

    Its a shame, because I think that PCG is something that will dominate this type of gaming in the future, and I had hoped that NMS would showcase how amazing it could be. Hopefully someone can build on the idea without having the early stumbles that probably ruined NMS's chances at real success.
  9. I will probably pickup off steam on sale at some point to fart around and explore.
  10. Darvos

    Darvos Veteran CO

    The new foundation update makes the game worth it
  11. Object

    Object Veteran Crowfall Member

    I really wouldn't write this game off so soon, the 'recent' review percentage has already climbed from 23% to 31% in about less than two weeks and the overall reviews have climbed from 23% to 30%. 7% of 80,350 reviews is 5624 people, that's not a small amount of people at all, and the idea there are more that haven't bothered to write a positive review makes it so much better.

    Nevermind this but the statistics on steamcharts shows a trend that is almost unbelievable as well, a game that went from 500-700 peak concurrent two weeks ago has risen to a current 3,922 concurrent peak is nuts. If we compare weekend peaks the weekend of Nov 26th/27th seen a peak of 780 players, last weekend we were at 6498 on saturday and 6189 on sunday, and this was over a week after the update released.

    Hell, going back to the reviews out of the 10 reviews in the recently posted section, 9 of them were positive. Out of the last 20 reviews 15 are positive, so at worst it really seems like a ~75% review rating since the new update.

    Now before you start thinking I'm somehow biased just look at my previous posts in this thread, I agreed with you a few weeks ago, I actually thought this game would become abandonware, but it didn't. Nevermind this but HG has only lost a single employee since launch, that's insane for a game that has had such terrible reviews. Sony even removed their name from the publisher box on Steam, it only says Hello Games now as the publisher. So I'm really starting to believe, and I'm not the only one, that Sony had a huuuuge part in this game being released too early, I'd put money on it that HG probably didn't want to release the game until it had, at least, this foundation update, and I'm starting to believe the rumours of that so-called flood or w.e the fuck it was that ruined their work. Bad companies abandon their work when criticism happens, look at Phil Fish and Fez as perfect examples, that dude literally quit the internet because of criticism.
  12. Should probably channel @Object into writing some cohesive reviews for that upcoming project you have @DARKTIDE!!
  13. Darvos

    Darvos Veteran CO

    The Survival mode with the base building makes the game what it should of always been. most of the items in the game you never used have a use now and threats in game are real threats. The game gives you a real sense of isolation now. Its so much better and there rumors of ground vehicles incoming.