Next big PvE game?

Discussion in 'Upcoming Game Chatter' started by DARKTIDE!!, Nov 16, 2016.


    DARKTIDE!! Veteran Staff Member Xen of Onslaught CO

    So one of the things I have been really looking at. Is how our community is yes a big PVP group. Yet at the same time. We are a end game content group. Most of the games we have focused on lately have been PVP end game focus.

    So I was thinking tonight. What is the next PvE focused game that is out there? The WoW division has stunned us for years, the FF14 division stunned us for years.

    Is there a Next PvE focus end game content game that the community can get excited about?

    Weigh in here.
  2. I dont even know of any PvE / raid style MMO's that are coming out
  3. Yasaffie

    Yasaffie Veteran Star Citizen Member

  4. Frostyx

    Frostyx Veteran

    Hope to hell something comes out, as WoW is starting to become dated, and as much as I like the latest expansion (a lot), if you dont have the time for raiding due to real life a lot of the rest of it can become boring.

    Everything I have tried in the last 7 years instead of it just doesnt capture me for more than about 6 weeks :(
  5. Object

    Object Veteran Crowfall Member

    We should all play Wurm! Or ECO! Nvm....I'll go back to my corner.
  6. he said next, not like 5 years ago :p
  7. Snowman

    Snowman Veteran Star Citizen Officer

    Revelation is suposedly having 40 mans.
  8. I hear Crowfall has NPCs you can kill. :rolleyes: