New Years Day Surprise :(

Discussion in 'Tech Talk' started by Trice, Jan 2, 2014.

  1. Trice

    Trice Veteran Crowfall Member

    Woke up on New Years day to find that my PC had fallen from my desk, case bent and lost 2 of 3 drives.

    No I did not drink nor did any drinking happen in my house, actually the kids and I were in bed by 10:30PM EST!

    One of my drivers (Segate 250GB) was my game drive, it now makes noises when you shake it and smokes when you boot it *lol* bye bye games and the other drive (WD 150GB) was my primary windows boot drive. It was fine until this morning when it started throwing S.M.A.R.T errors and corruption pop-ups when accessing files etc. Long story short I am now down to 1 WD 1TB drive for everything :( Oh to boot my 1TB was my data drive for everything else, which some how lost its partition record and no matter what utility I used could not be recovered (even gparted etc).

    So, my New Year started off with a bang loosing all my games (can be re-downloaded), my primary boot drive (no biggie) and my data (like ~5 years of stuff *sigh*). :drunk::tear::drunk::tear:

    Hope everyone else had a better start to the New Year then I did!
  2. Itherael

    Itherael Banned

    How did it fall? Hopefully you can get it back up and running sooner rather than later.
  3. Trice

    Trice Veteran Crowfall Member

    No clue how it fell, my bedroom is right above my office and I never heard a thing.

    Up and running on my 1TB drive, but need to back another ~150GB drive to be my windows partition.
  4. you need to balance your porn and games better..too much of either and gets off balance..falls over
  5. Dag

    Dag Veteran

    Got any pets? I don't know how these things would happen, I've got a NZXT Phantom - built like a tank.
  6. Rbstr

    Rbstr Veteran

    Perhaps the main reason I keep my tower on the floor :eek:
  7. Trice

    Trice Veteran Crowfall Member

    No pets, just kids but not them. Chalk it up to WUSH (Weird Unexpected Shit Happens)

    I used to keep mine on the floor until a month or so ago when I was having vid card issues, pain keep picking up etc.. Also it does not get as dusty this way LOL
  8. Itherael

    Itherael Banned

  9. Xayton

    Xayton Veteran FPS Member

    Spooooooky Ghost.
  10. Na. It is a simple matter of physics and energy transfer.
    Kinetic energy of headboard travels to wall, moved down the wall and causes vibrations on the floor. The floor transfers vibration to desk and the computer tower ends up falling off. Case closed :p
  11. Trice

    Trice Veteran Crowfall Member

    ROFL nice one, but I was home alone and we don't have a headboard just a California King Bed frame, box spring and mattress *lol*
  12. Try R-Studio and see if it can recover your files. I've had success with it in the past.
  13. Auriel

    Auriel Member

    lol doctorie. Wow that sucks! That's pretty creepy too... if you have no pets, and no drinking happened, I'd have to agree with Itherael. lol It was either aliens, or your house is haunted... jk. But really though, that's weird.
  14. Could've been frost quakes. They shake the whole house. We experienced them here in southern Ontario, so Trice might have too since he lives in NY.

    Frost quakes are when temperatures get so cold, the moisture in the ground freezes, expands, applies pressure to surrounding rocks and cracks them, producing some shock waves.
  15. haibane

    haibane Veteran Crowfall Member

    It's the NSA trying to steal ur porn, they hired a clumsy contractor.

    That, or the frost quakes, but they'd probably have woken u up. Could be the debut of a sinkhole in the neighborhood.
  16. Chances are they would've woken him up. They woke up everyone around me, but oddly enough, they didn't wake me up (I was tired), so who knows.