New System Build

Discussion in 'Tech Talk' started by kinetic medic, Nov 4, 2014.

  1. Last edited: Nov 4, 2014
  2. Rbstr

    Rbstr Veteran

    Seems like decent enough core components.

    The reviews I've read for the PSU seem middling. I'm always a fan of Seasonic. S12G series is similar not much more than what you've got there and has pretty great reviews.
  3. Couple things I am thinking:
    1) Do you actually need a bluray drive? Most people get away with not even having a DVD drive in their PC anymore these days, using an external via USB if they ever actually have to use a disk. If you dont plan to make good use of a bluray drive then save some money and dont get it, put that cash towards a better GPU if you can.
    2) I know EVGA doesnt make the PSU themselves and it is decent enough, but I think there are better ones out there for right ab out the same cost. Your max power draw from overclocked parts with this build will also only be between 350w-400w unless I missed something. You should be looking at a 500-550w PSU. Not a 450w since that is cutting it too close and max power will be lower after a few years and it leaves no room for upgrades. A 550w would be perfect for this and still have room to upgrade to any GPU you want down the line too. Id go with a Rosewill Capstone 550w modular PSU myself: Same cost so no saving there, but IMO it is better suited to this PC and a bit nicer of a PSU.
    3) I think you can get other 1TB hard drives for cheaper. But maybe the cheaper price is just during sales, not sure but I thought I saw some recently for about $65 again. The Constellation drives are meant more for enterprise so they are a bit more expensive for nothing really special over other options.
    4) Great SSD choice. When you get it once Windows is up and going be sure to run Samsung "fixer program" for the drives so the read performance doesnt degrade on the drives. It was a minor issue that showed up recently and Samsung made a program you can run to fix the NAND so it doesnt degrade in speed for old data.
    5) I love the MB choice. It has all the latest connectivity options for the future, lots of USB3, and good power delivery and expansion slots.
    6) good CPU choice, that will last a really long time.

    7) I dont see a cooler for the CPU though. Yes it has a stock cooler, but it is pointless to buy a devil's canyon CPU and use a stock cooler. The CPU is a special release model specifically for higher overclock potential. It should be used with either a high end "AIO" cooler or real water cooling. If recommend a Corsair H100 or other brand equivalent, but if you cant afford it then at least go with a Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO so you can run the CPU into the mid 4GHz area.

    8) You said the GPU is picked out, and it is a very good GPU of course and by far the best bang for your buck right now. But if you can afford it, the 980 is significantly better at higher resolutions and large levels of antialiasing. The cards may have the same number of render outputs and similar clock speeds, but the SMX units are directly tied to the ROPs so because the 970 has a cut down number of SMX's it directly translates to lower pixel pushing power. Usually in the realm of 10fps (min FPS, the most important) difference between cards. But if you dont want to pay for the higher end card, the 970 is still pretty darn good.

    Overall it looks like a very nice build. Nothing really bad about it at all
  4. You took the words right outta mah mouth Enigma ... Looks solid ... I had Hyper 212+ on a 2500k at 4.5ghz Push/Pull set up ... My current set up on a seidon 240m is amazing also :)
  5. Gigabyte is a pretty good brand. That board is nice too, the audio chipset is better than most onboard solutions and the LAN chipset is also nice for gaming. Nothing wrong at all with the great performing Intel chipset NICs but that Qualcomm chip with special firmware is designed specifically to prioritize packets and shape TCP traffic for patterns that are common in gaming.

    Looks like there are serious quality control issues with that model though.
  6. I tried a similar price-point Asus board and couldn't get it to post. Not due to DOA, but because it refused to recognize the hardware I had installed. For some reason there is a clear hit or miss on BIOS and supported hardware (not quality control as far as I can tell,) as I can see from the Newegg reviews on my board, but had the same experience with Asus.
  7. Doxy

    Doxy Veteran Camelot Unchained Member

    I am a big Asus fan when it comes to mboards and their ai suit 3 software.
    Recently updated my system with Asus z97 pro mainboard and love it.
    Asrock is a good mobo choice, but imho Asus is just better.
  8. My asus board has a USB on the back that I can flash the bios and shit ... I had to do it in order to get my x79 chipset to read my 4930k