New PSU ?

Discussion in 'Tech Talk' started by haibane, Jun 8, 2015.

  1. haibane

    haibane Veteran Crowfall Member

    Hey guys,

    I keep having those nvidia display driver stopped responding shit (including the kernel one), especially when i play HOTS and sometimes (abeit rarely) other stuff.

    I think it's because my 620W PSU doesn't deliver enough punch for the 780 GHZ when it gets tense.

    Since i think i'll change the config next year to get real beasty shit (Pascal along with new Intel or some AMD stuff if both CPU and GPU are awesomesauce) i need to cope with it till then (and if the Fury really kicks ass maybe i can just change the GPU).

    I was thinking about this PSU (i kinda want 750W to be sure now, especially if i had to switch for the Fury) :

    I know prices suck but it's the Canadian newegg, ey,
  2. Could also be driver problems. Nvidia drivers lately have had issues when you also have Chrome installed or are using Chrome on the computer.
    You can also try turning off Link State Power Management in your PCI-E power options as that has fixed the issue for some.
    Try rolling back your drivers to 349.xx or a little earlier (if you have a 7xx card or earlier) and see if the driver crashing goes away.

    Though that is a great PSU. If you do get one then that is one of the top power supplies I would recommend. I have the 1KW version of that, got it on sale last year.
  3. haibane

    haibane Veteran Crowfall Member

    Oh thanks i'll try both these things then yeah because Chrome screwed up too, my youtube vids went black, had to delete the cache.

    I'll try turning those things and going back to 349.


    Still, i think 620W ain't really enough for a 780 (it was sized for a 660TI).

    Edit : one question i have : is it better to have 750 gold or 850 bronze as they seem to be the same price ?

    Thx :D
  4. Depends if you need the extra 100 watts in your PC. I think a 750W should be plenty for any single GPU setup no matter how far overclocked you go. The gold and bronze rating is just their efficiency in changing incoming line power from the wall into low voltage DC power for the PC hardware. Lets say you are using 500w of power in your hardware, if you have a Bronze PSU then that 500w of draw may be 650w actual draw from the wall due to efficiency loss (made up numbers for an example, every PSU efficiency and load ratings are different). That same 500w draw in the PC hardware may be an actual draw of 550w from the wall with the gold rated PSU due to it's much higher efficiency
  5. haibane

    haibane Veteran Crowfall Member

    Aah alright thanks, yeah i guess 750W is enough as i never go for SLI anyway, even the Fury XT (should i ever get it) shouldn't take more power than this.

    Next year it'll be either Tonga/pirate island (first time i'd ever get an AMD build) or Pascal / Skylake as this should blow the current gen into outer space.
  6. haibane

    haibane Veteran Crowfall Member

    Well i've rolled back the driver and the link was already disabled but it didn't fix it :s only a couple games do this.

    Now since i changed the TDR my comp freezes but it happened only once over two games (so i guess it's better), it's almost instantaneous on another game tho.

    So i've ordered the EVGA 750W bronze II, i don't mind the extra wattage, power is cheap in Quebec :)