New Phone

Discussion in 'Tech Talk' started by EF2, Oct 28, 2009.


Which phone?

  1. Blackberry Bold

    3 vote(s)
  2. Iphone

    9 vote(s)
  3. Droid (assuming it's going to be on AT&T as well as Verizon)

    7 vote(s)
  4. Other

    3 vote(s)
  1. EF2

    EF2 Veteran

    So my Blackberry 8820 is running on its last legs. What new phone should I get? I am on the AT&T network. Please discuss.
  2. Icewolf

    Icewolf Veteran Crowfall Member

    My iphone is probably the best gadget ive ever boought, It does everything i would expect of it in a simple way. (oh and i can get 7mbs free therething off of it!!!) this is in the UK with O2 though.
  3. EF2

    EF2 Veteran

    I'm a little concerned about the email and texting abilities of the iPhone. The only things I find attractive about the iPhone are the browser and price, but multitasking is also an issue as I'm usually doing alot of other things while browsing. These seem to be the biggest complaints about it, as I understand it.
  4. Texting on the iPhone is weird at first but I've gotten used to it. A tangible keypad is still better, but for everything else the iPhone offers (kick ass apps and ipod), the sacrifice is worth it imo.
  5. Im switching to an iphone, there just to awesome.
  6. Ugh AT&T...

    The only reason to be on the AT&T network is an iPhone, if you don't get an iPhone you should go to a different provider.

    My vote is either switch to Verizon and get the Droid, or get the iPhone.
  7. You can unlock the iPhone and use it on any carrier, but you probably know that already =P
  8. Nobody who has an iPhone is complaining very much. People who are considering buying one are complaining, but usually when they have it for a week that stops because iPhones rock the house. I have three friends with the T-Mo android phone, and two of them with it were an iPhone, the other one likes it fine.
  9. I know people with Iphones that don't like the lack of multitasking but they live with it cause they have to

    There is a new BB bold coming out, smaller like the curve, but all the goodness of the bold. A friend at Rim though told me if the size of the old bold wans't a concern, it was more then powerful enough to run the new OS etc, and it's price will probably drop. I personally like the size of the 8900 much more, so this new bold has a lot of interest for me.

    There is also a storm2 out that fixes a lot of the old problems.

    I am looking at the new bold on Telus coming up here in Nov... honestly I could go with the iphone and probably be very happy with it, but I was a big windows mobile fan for a long time and I like being able to bounce between applications to check on things.

    Does iphone have copy and paste yet? I think they added it in the new version right? Cause that was a deal breaker for me before.

    I think if you deal with a lot of email/texting, a blackberry might be better, if you browse now and then, do the once in a while texting, and don't need to multitask then the iphone is probably the way to go.

    as much as I like the idea of anderoid phones, I feel that BB / Apple have the market right now for smartphones, even pushing windows mobile out... meaning more apps, more consistant updates etc.
  10. EF2

    EF2 Veteran

    Most people whom I have talked to about the iPhone never had a smart phone other than an iPhone either, so whenever I bring up the supposed deficiencies of the iPhone, they kind of ignore them.

    I don't quite like the Bold because it doesn't seem to offer much over my current BB, and it's price is kind of ridiculous for what it is. Whatever the next version of the BB should pique my interest though.

    I probably use my current phone as follows:

    30% email
    20% texting
    10% phone
    40% web browsing
  11. after having iphone and bb ,i want to change my taste,so i purchase a n97 instead ,and enjoy this one very much.Nokia N97 for $463This quad-band phone features 3G support, a 3.5" 640x360 color display, 5-megapixel camera, QWERTY keyboard, MP3 player, 32GB internal memory (4x the amount of its predecessor), 802.11g wireless, Bluetooth connectivity, up to 9.5 hours of talk time, GPS, micro card slot, and more.
  12. hurlcode

    hurlcode Guest

    Deal breaker for me on the droid is that synching apparently has to be done through Google. I cannot synch my calendar, etc, through Google, I have to have a phone that can directly synch to the PC I'm looking at. If I'm wrong on this, or if they back off, I'd look at the droid again.
  13. Ryld Baenre

    Ryld Baenre Veteran FPS Member

    Love my pearl and am looking at getting one of the new BB phones. Storm 2 or the Bold 9700. I don't know if I could fully do away with a physical keyboard. Some of the enw droid phones are looking very nice. They combine both touchscreen keyboard and a ful on qwerty keyboard if one so chooses to use it. So I would generally say go with the new BB Bold 9700. It is a tad smaller than it's predecessor if that is a concern and packs all the features one could want.

    As far as syncing with google goes, i love it. I have gone out of my way to allow google to sync my blackberry. If your phone gets bricked it is a safe backup of ALL your contacts and calender appointments. data is no problem since I have 6GB so it's not even a consideration. Google set up a wonderful service.
  14. Trodan

    Trodan Veteran

    I have the bold and i love it.
  15. EF2

    EF2 Veteran

    The new bold came out, and it looks pretty sexy
  16. Stenog

    Stenog Veteran

  17. If you're going to use your phone for Data you really need to get off of AT&T's network. If you're not in Chicago, LA, or NY your data is going to be wretched.

    If I had to pick any phone on any carrier atm, I'd go with the Pre. Sprint has the best data network by far of all the major carriers.

    I currently have a IPhone, and am anxiously awaiting to get out of this contract. AT&T's coverage is just plain awful.

    Also, like I've said before, when you're getting a new phone or switching carriers, always ask where the nearest tower to your primary locations are (work and home). Then find out what the azimuths are for the antennas of those sites. Being on the fringe vs mainlobe makes all the difference in the world. Especially when it comes to in-building penetration.
  18. EF2

    EF2 Veteran

    Since I don't know anyone who uses Sprint, I think I'll be sticking with AT&T. Around here are AT&T, Verizon, and T-Mobile. I don't have any issues with coverage either.
  19. Well, if you don't want to use Sprint, even though I haven't worked in the Pittsburgh market your best bet would be Verizon if you want to go with a smart phone.

    AT&T's throughput is just shitty and not worth it.
  20. EF2

    EF2 Veteran

    We PA'ers tend to hate Verizon, so no.