New Music Anyone?

Discussion in 'Creative Writing, Graphics, Movies, etc.' started by Areli, Sep 1, 2009.

  1. Megadeth and Imogen Heap...a marriage made in heaven? no, but really...curse my poor life for working in a record (yes, record) store during my late teens and very early 20's. I have come to appreciate so many different music forms and styles.

    just noticed that for electronica fans Imogen Heap has a new one out and it sounds pretty good...

    for rockers (looks at Rubius) I just noticed Megadeth has a new one out. wow, they still sound fantastic! ( yah, I know it was released in June, but I'm not always totally on top of things.)

    anyone have any other new recommendations? I have the itch for some new or more obscure but good older music. I tend to lean towards rock / metal (Avenged Sevenfold, Shinedown, etc. grew up on Megadeth, Metallica, Pearl Jam, Alice in Chains, Nirvana) but I'll admit, I have a Montgomery Gentry album in my vast collection. LOL!

  2. I'll start off by pointing you to:


    They're a recent Canadian thrash metal band (from Windsor, Ontario), inspired by the big three M's (Megadeth, Metallica, Iron Maiden). You'll also noticed some techniques derived from Rush and The Scorpions.

    They've released an EP and a full album, with a new one coming soon (they're recording now). However all their songs are free to download on their website, in MP3 format.

    You can start with "Rusted Icons" and "Sands of Time". My favourites are "Partaker of Evil" and "Fire to the Coals" (awesome solo in FttC).

    Unlike other bands who have a few good songs and many mediocre ones, I think all of Betrayer's songs are quality. Their "Paranoid" cover is even better than the original, imo.

    Not sure what else to recommend as I listen to lots of melodic death stuff that you might not like. Also have no idea what you currently listen to :p. For oldies, you probably know of em, but I'll say Skid Row, The Scorpions, Def Leppard, Led Zepplin.

    If you don't listen to Malmsteen, you better! Some good tracks include Rising Force, Vengeance, I'm a Viking.
  3. woot imogen heap. is the new one you're referring to "first train home?" or is there another one? i had a buddy share that with me about a month ago or so but i have been really bad recently about keeping my music library up to date.
  4. The metal I am into most are:

    - Five Finger Death Punch
    - Bullet For My Valentine
    - All That Remains
    - Slipknot
  5. xcowski

    xcowski Guest

    how about phil collins...."ONE MORE NIGHT, JUST ONE MORE NIGHT"
  6. Rubius - thanks :) I'm gonna check out Betrayer for sure. I crave some "new (to me)" metal. as far as the oldies, I have them all. I shoulda been more descriptiove when I said old, I meant like within the last 6-8 years...stuff I may have missed. Yngwie!!!! lol I had to go into the attic and dig out my cassettes and ice ftw. lol and oh, I still have my jean "vest" (sleeves cut off, of course) with the Def Leppard cover to Hysteria on it. hahahaha...I should wear it and post a pic...

    Val, I been meaning to check out slipknot. now I know it comes recommended. ty :)

    Vin - yes, the one with First Train Home. for Imogen fans, this newest album was finally released 8-25. it's pretty good.

    Xcowski - uhh, hmm.
  7. Warning the Metal I like has singing as well as screaming in it. Here is one of each.

    Five Finger Death Punch - The Bleeding:

    All That Remains - Two Weeks:

    Bullet For My Valentine - Scream Aim Fire

    Slipknot - Duality
  8. liking the Betrayer. they remind me of Iron Maiden with a hint of Europe...the good parts of them anyways. I think it was the heavy keyboards in the intro to Headed for Disaster. very nice. especially the free part :p
  9. Samakar

    Samakar Veteran

  10. nice! I thoroughly enjoyed it! if you guys ever happen to play Chicago, let me know!
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  12. Hypatia

    Hypatia Guest

    go listen its the band im singing in !_!