New Mouse?

Discussion in 'Tech Talk' started by s o k a r, May 7, 2009.

  1. So I'm looking for a new mouse thats not Logitech. Good support and all but I hate having to get a new mouse every 6 months(long story). I've been looking at Razers which seem to be a good gaming mouse but the newer ones are like a 100 buck.

    F- That.

    Anyone have any suggestions? Favorites? Cheap Deals?
  2. Blainerz

    Blainerz Guest

    I have an older model of the Razer. Personally i love it so if you cant find anything else its pretty nice.
  3. Blainerz

    Blainerz Guest

    Do you have the OCZ mouse Jay?
    Looks a little awkward
  4. I've heard good things about this.
  5. Deadend

    Deadend Veteran Crowfall Member

    I got a Razer DeathAdder that I like a lot. Think I payed 40 or 50 Canadian for it on sale.
  6. Razer Diamondback was like 30 bucks at circuit city awhile ago ... has done me well :)
  7. That looks exactly like MX500 from logitech which I have. Had for about 2 years now, slammed on the table many times, still kicking.
  8. I know you aren't looking for a Logitech but my MX518 rocks. I've had it for a while now and I love it.
  9. t0aster

    t0aster Guest

    Hmm Can't help you out I love Logitech. Tho that OCZ looks good(since its like my MX Revolution) curious tho it didn't look cordless..
  10. I actually almost bought the death adder earlier today but decided to hold off. The whole reason I don't want logitech is because I've had 3, yes 3, MX518s on two different comps that would disconnect and reconnect. Hence the new mouse every 6 months. They replaced the first two but won't replace my 3rd one because they say its my hardware, which it's obviously not since a.) they stopped working EXACTLY 8 months from when I first plug it in and b.) its two absolutely different hardware set-ups.

    But yea I loved my mx518s but don't want to spend another 50 bucks on a mouse that I know I'll have to replace 8 months down the line =/

    I like the OCZ but can't find it in stock heh.
  11. Slares

    Slares Member

  12. I have the Logitech G5...its win...and fast. The DPI goes up to 2k.
  13. Thats what I have tribat, I meant MX518 last night.
  14. mercsan

    mercsan <font color=ff00ff size=1>T</font><font color=ff00 Crowfall Member

    G5 is the best mouse ever. Hands down. G5 Duh

    Ive had my G5 Mouse since they came out back in 2005 (Thats right, 4 years strong baby). the 6 button orange and black one, teehee!!

    Your electronics will last you as long as you take care of them.
    Last edited: May 14, 2009
  15. dash

    dash Guest

    The G5 seems to be the overall gamers favorite in any mouse poll that I've seen.
  16. G5 would be my choice, ive had one for 1.5 years now and nothing has gone wrong with it. I had a MX518 before that for 3 years and its still running (almost 5 years old....) but i only use it on my laptop now.
  17. the G5 looks exactly like the MX518.. same amount of buttons etc.. I see no difference in it.
  18. The G5 has some goofy extras and a higher dpi
  19. t0aster

    t0aster Guest

    Anyone actually game with cordless mouses yet? Didn't think everyone on here was a FPS player. Even tho now with the technology I think cordless still would be the same as a corded one.