New Everquest Progression Server

Discussion in 'Upcoming Game Chatter' started by Aeros, Apr 25, 2015.

  1. Aeros

    Aeros Veteran

    So in June, Everquest is going to be starting a new progression server. EQ will always hold a special tingly spot in my heart as the first MMORPG I have played. As such I am actually pondering joining it with an account or two.

    I never did much raiding being a casual on EQ, however wouldn't be against doing so on this progression as it goes through each of the expansions. As such, I am curious if there were enough people interested in starting an actual guild in the game. I know many of you used to play, is anyone actually interested in starting on a fresh live server?

    DARKTIDE!! Veteran Staff Member Xen of Onslaught CO

    Dang fresh, Live... Hardcore...

    The amount of grinding I did on EQ back in the day. I don't know if I could deal with that again.

    Maybe... though... with how everything is going in the gaming world. I wouldn't mind taking a step back into my childhood.

  3. Aeros

    Aeros Veteran

    Release is set for 5-20-2015 (Wednesday) for the progression server. This the rules for the server can be found on their main site, but basically people asked for max nostalgia. So the first few expansions will take 6 months each with a vote after all raid mobs are downed to proceed to next expansion.

    It will start with nothing but classic server, item shop will only contain cosmetic items, no newbie gear quests, no mercs until proper expansion is hit.

    There are some differences from classic as follows:

    1) Some zones that have been fully redone will use the new zone, though they will be populated with the populations of the old.
    2) No hell levels, though exp has been decreased so it feels more classic.
    3) Certain spells not in release will exist from start here if they are utility based (breeze for enchanters)
    4) Some classes will be OP due to them beefing up their damage since release (mage pets are crazy dmg and HP, monk fist damage is strongest weapon, healing spells increase in hp healed)
    5) Some zones will be instanced at release to help alleviate with such a large population. (starter zones designated lvl 1-15), (some epic 1.0 encounters that would otherwise be camped to hell).
    6) No book in your face needed to meditate just sit.
    7) Global chat exists

    By all means this is not a "classic" server. Go see project1999 for a pure classic experience. This is a progression server first and foremost, you will find items on mobs that have no use until their quest is put in, leveling will seem faster, characters will feel more powerful with the old content. But if you are looking at a reboot of the content you use to enjoy and want to progress beyond just velious in a year this will do it.
  4. Neokolzia

    Neokolzia Veteran Crowfall Member

    I'd actually be pretty tempted by this, if XoO isn't going to have a strong backing in this (don't imagine so) but I would be totally into this, imo this is kinda thing WoW needs, imagine having a WoW reboot server (oh god don't give them ideas just let it die)

    I only originally made it to level 62 in EQ2 >-> wait... *checks* if this is EQ1 mighgggttt not...

    woops xD...

    Ye... nope not for me.

    Still a great idea I think some other games could try out for really old standing games where people miss old content.

    What would be a few GB patch to change everything in WoW back to Vanilla spec? with the improved graphics etc, or rather give it capability.

    Give it a server like every 4-6 months that tiers content releases in a faster pace then normal, with "Some" of the must have features, that people might go crazy without.

    Resurrecting 40 man raids would be amazing xD.. they'd just have to improve raid organization tools to like color code where people go and such.
    Last edited: May 16, 2015