New computer

Discussion in 'Tech Talk' started by Justinsroy, Aug 26, 2009.

  1. I would suggest getting the EVGA GTX 260 instead of the GTS 250. The 250 only has 512MB which will cause some performance issues in newer games. After the rebate, the GTX 260 is $155. Plus EVGA has the step up program where they'll credit you with the purchase price of your video card if you buy a new one from them within 90 days.

    So when the DirectX 11 cards come out in 3 months you could just pay the difference if you want.
  2. I suppose it makes sense if they're the same price for the same clock rate (but that's rare) =P

    Personally I doubt we'll see too many games using quad, even though that's what the experts are saying. I know it's much more complicated to code for and I also know devs are always looking for shortcuts these days, not to mention their total incompetence.
  3. going strainght to the GPUs i see your looking at the GTS250 (old 8800 GTS) or a GTX 260 (again been replaced) thou if you get a 260 go for a 216core not the 192core.

    I would suggust either the GTX 275 or the GTX 285 thou being from the UK i'm not sure what the prices are like but if ur spending $1500 - $1700 on a build their is no point building with out of date parts imo.

    as for CPU and Motherboard, have you not thought about going straight to Core i7 920 D0 stepping. with a ASUS P6T Deulex V2 mother board hook it up with 6GB of 1600 mhz + Ram and its an easy 4.0Ghz+ of gaming power.

    A friend of mine in the US got his stuff from newegg i think and for the CPU/Motherboard/Ram was like $550 -$600 still leaving pleanty in your bugget for case/PSU/drives etc.. maybe a better GPU etc..

    This is just my views, Build it right the 1st time and then your sorted for the next 18/24months atleast.

    let us know what you end up with...:D
  4. t0aster

    t0aster Guest

    You can use a dual core, 260 vid card and 2-4 gigs of ram for 3+ years easily and spend 600-700
  5. Yes you can and i dont disagree but all i'm saying is if your plannng on spending $1500+ why use products that have been supercided.
  6. t0aster

    t0aster Guest

    I think in reality he only said that because he didn't know how much shit cost seems like its his first time going about this. If I'm wrong I apologize
  7. Justinsroy

    Justinsroy Banned

    Ya when i was gonna go the buying route, i was looking at spending 1700. Once i looked into the building route, it seems like i can get off with building a rig that will last me a few years without spending a crap ton = ). I appreciate the input from everyone! keep it coming!

    Edit: I headed out to microcenter (my computer warehouse over by me) and it looks like i can save $30-50+ on every peice by ordering it from newegg, gonna start ordering stuff probably at the end of the weekend. Taking everyones input into account when making my final decision. Gonna buy the case at microcenter due to the weigh and probably cost me a ton in shipping.
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2009
  8. Moving to Tech Talk Section.

    Aion forums for Aion talk only pls.
  9. Justinsroy

    Justinsroy Banned

    Stumbled upon this on newegg. Curious how its going for 800.

    From what i can tell the only thing that it has better then any of the systems that were suggested/built part wise is the graphics card.

    Thoughts? For 800 it looks like hell of a nice computer.
  10. eel

    eel Guest

    I wouldn't recommend acer, my parents had a desktop which broke down after only a few months (they only used it for mail and internet). They got it replaced by a new acer comp but that broke down too after 2 months. My bro has an acer laptop and the gpu got fried after 6 months, he then got a new gpu in it but now his screen is all messed up unless he bangs the computer into the table 0o
  11. Justinsroy

    Justinsroy Banned

    No acer then...Gonna continue with the building plan then!
  12. Justinsroy

    Justinsroy Banned

    sig test...yay
  13. eel

    eel Guest

    Have u thought about making an AMD comp. Though AMD can't compete in terms of performance they make it up in price. Their new phenom II 955 (3.2 ghz quad) is somewhere between the i920 and q9650, but costs $60 less than the i920 and 100 less than the q9650. The motherboards cost the same. With the money saved u could buy a better gpu. Gpu's are usually the bottleneck when it comes to gaming. With your budget u could easily get at least a gtx 275
  14. Justinsroy

    Justinsroy Banned

    I thought about it, if im gonna be dropping some money i rather go with the best performance i can get with the money i have.

    I already am getting the GTX 275 or the GTS 260 which from what i hear are two great cards for the price, so i rather go with an intel base and if i have to settle for a slightly worse graphics card.
  15. Go Intel! :)
  16. Justinsroy

    Justinsroy Banned

    Final question for you guys.

    Is a "Deactivated item"

    The newer model supports DDR3 memory and the older model only supports 1 PCIx16 port so i cant use the video card im looking at (GTX 260).

    The one -
    Has less then stellar reviews.

    Go for the not so good reviews? Or look around for a place to buy the 780i even if i have to buy from a not so known dealer.

    THANKS! (Starting to buy stuff tonight since i got paid and now have ~800$ not including what my parents are putting in my for birthday)

    Found a place to buy this! Disregard this post = )
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2009
  17. Justinsroy

    Justinsroy Banned

    Ok thought id post up what i ended up getting:

    List is based on how it appears on my order, no reason why one thing is above the other.

    My case is one from my dads office. If everything doesnt fit ill probably pick up an antec case, not sure what model.
  18. Justinsroy

    Justinsroy Banned

    Parts received, starting the build right....naow, getting candidate version of windows 7 from a buddy who DL'd it and hopefully on aion with that machine by tonight.