New Cleric ~ 47

Discussion in 'Accepted and on Probation' started by Kaylana, Feb 13, 2010.

  1. Kaylana

    Kaylana Guest

    1. Age (18+ Requirement):
    Over 30

    2. Name (Forum & IGN):

    3. Location + Timezone:
    UK, London / GMT

    4. Class & level (Level 40+ Requirement):
    Cleric ~ 47

    5. Do you have vent and a mic? (Vent will be mandatory, even if you do not have a mic, you must be able to connect and listen in):
    Yes I have vent and a mic. No issues listening / speaking / chatting etc..

    6. Previous gaming experience:
    Prior to starting Aion (26/12/09), I've been playing WOW; played a warlock for 4 years+.
    I have played all the other classes, but warlock was my passion.
    I run a World ranked guild, happy to discuss more details if needed regarding WOW; privately.
    For those of you that played WOW, I also got the Battle Master Achievement.

    I've only dabbled as a healer in WOW, nothing serious, but decided when I picked up Aion to try a Cleric for some change.
    So far I'm really enjoying it, Kairno can tell you if he thinks I'm any good, since compared to some of the
    current Clerics in XOO, I am quite fresh / green.

    7. Why did you chose XoO:
    I've stay without a legion to make sure I would enjoy the game before making any commitments.
    I have grouped / chatted with a few other XOO members and feel it would be a nice place to lay my hat :)

    P.S. Kairno made me shhh don't tell :p

    8. Do you have a referal?:

    9. What will you contribute to the guild?
    An active member, up for anything (well within reason), Fortress Sieges / Rifting / Instances / Whatever is going.
    Looking for ofc end game action, (aren't we all) :D
    Like to group, but also happy to solo if nothing is going on; collecting mats and what not for anything that will help.
    Armorsmithing 449 and Cooking currently 438 , other professions closing in on 399 as well.

    10. A little bit about yourself:
    Single male living alone; so plenty of game time, but I do work during the week in IT.
    Been gaming since an early age, all types of games, but once I find something I like I stick to it, call it addiction.
    Friendly, outgoing chatty and looking to make some good friends to chill / kill etc with.

    11. Activity Level? (hrs/week):
    4-8 hours an evening during the week.
    As many hours as I can handle at the weekend before I pass out :p

    Thanks for reading.

    Last edited: Feb 14, 2010
  2. Greetings, all looks good a officer will be along shortly to sort you out ^^
  3. Welcome - ~.~

    vent info has been sent to you..hope to cyz soon ^^
  4. kairno

    kairno Guest

    happy to see the app :D and hope to see you soon :D
  5. Kaylana

    Kaylana Guest

    Thanks man :cool:
  6. Spud

    Spud I R SPUD

    Welcome to guild man : )
  7. Great addition to the guild, welcome.