New Application

Discussion in 'Accepted and on Probation' started by Willis, Aug 26, 2010.

  1. Willis

    Willis Guest

    1. Age (18+ Requirement):35
    2. In-Game Name:Willis
    3. Current Class:Spirit Master
    4. Level (Suggested Req. of 45):50
    5. Do you have TeamSpeak and a mic?:yes
    6. Previous gaming experience:played aion since release, played wow and warhammer each for 6 months, played DAOC for 7 years
    7. Why did you choose XoO?:I grouped with foxy and he told me about the legion. It sounds like a informative legion based upon helping others, grouping, and pvp. I still dont have a firm grasp on alot of end-of-game since i only have 1 lvl 50 toon, whcih hit 50 last week.
    8. Why do you think you'll be a good fit?:I'm a great guy with a wonderful sense of humor, and able to balance life with game play.
    9. What will you contribute to the guild: I know how to play my sm to its fullest compacity. I would contribute a positive attitude, the ability to take constructive criticism, and ability to improve upon my play.
    10. How will you improve our guild and be a valued member?: Im dedicated once i find the right legion/guild, and provide the guild with a sm with strong capabilities.
    11. What guild were you previously in or are you currently a member of, and why do you wish to leave? Cold logic--they split up becuase no one seemed to play any more.
    12. Do you have a referal?:Foxy
    13. A little bit about yourself:I am a single dad of 2 and currently am a school teacher. I am able to balance my time to play consistently.
    14. Activity Level? (hrs/week): 3-4 hrs daily
    15. Apply to usergroup using the following steps: Click this link ---->User Group Application OR go to your User CP -->
  2. Hi Willis, your app looks good, look me or one of my officers up in game for an interview... oh and COMPLETE STEP 15!

  3. xerxeszzzzz

    xerxeszzzzz Aion XO (NA)

    thanks for the app.try and get one of us through a psst. in game for interview..ty
  4. xerxeszzzzz

    xerxeszzzzz Aion XO (NA)
