new app imilkonu

Discussion in 'Accepted and on Probation' started by imilkonu, Mar 8, 2010.

  1. imilkonu

    imilkonu Guest

    1. Character Name, Class, and Main Spec:Imilkonu resto druid

    2. Armory Link (and talent choices explained): it the best to help with my haste

    3. Age (18 is required with limited exceptions):28

    4. List your current professions and describe how they help when raiding:
    465 i alway have mats to make flask and they last longer for me and if anyone need any i alway have some on me at all time

    5. Time playing WoW and PvE progression:3 years playing wow
    10 icc 10/25, 25 icc 8/12, all the raids in bc

    6. Describe your method for theorycrafting your class: to tell the truth i don't have one i look up best spec, gear, gems for my class and what i need to get it the best a i can i that is all

    7. Occupation and living arrangements that impact raiding (family, classes, dorm, night shifts etc): i don't have school any more i work in the moring, i have a daughter i see on the weekend and that is about it

    8. Guild you are leaving and why (If you join another guild without following up here, application will be closed):i was just in a friends guild but and they just don't have the people to do raid that is all it was esl - firend left so yeah

    9. How did you hear about us? List any friends/references within the guild: was in the guild befor want to know if they would have me back that is all

    10. List consumables you bring to raid:10 of every flask, sp food and haste food, and some mp5

    11. Any Scheduling conflicts (consider possible weekend groups for 10mans):yes some time couse i see my daughter on the weekend

    12. Provide measure of your damage/healing such as Recount (Screenshot to include player breakdown of attack %'s), WoW Web Stats (WWS), or World of Logs listing: don't have one have not healed in a few months but i have 3113 in tree form and 647 haste a little low but with a food buff i sould be good

    13. Provide a UI screenshot:C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Screenshots\WoWScrnShot_011310_184058.jpg : same if it was my druid

    14. Final comments you feel could help your application:if u need me i will be in vent
  2. somehow i can't access the screenshot located on your C: drive...

    honestly, i think an important to address previous departures from the guild a little more. i understand the reasoning for heading over to a guild with a buddy in it, but where is he going to? are you going to actually show up were we to give you another shot and would you take off again should he land a spot in a similar progression guild?
  3. imilkonu

    imilkonu Guest

    i will be able to show up on time for raid and also with my firends in the other guild they deside to leave the sever and i am not leaveing i have made to many ingame firends here so i am going to stay here and also my girl plays here and her rl firends play here too i can't leave. but any way u can think what u want if u guys let me back grate if not its cool too but really its up to u guys do want u think is best.

    and if u really want to know why i left when ever we are in vent i will talk to u about if u really want to know
  4. 1. What are the 5 most important gear upgrades for you right now (from any instance) and why?
    2. Do you have a viable DPS dual-spec, and if so, can you provide us with a gear profile/stats or a recent WoL/WMO/WWS log?
    3. On an AoE-heavy fight, what spells do you cast, when and how often do you cast them, and why?
    4. Same as question 3, but with heavy tank damage.
    5. What glyphs might you change depending on a fight and why?
    6. Why do you have 3/3 Living seed and 0/3 Revitalize?
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2010
  5. imilkonu

    imilkonu Guest

    1. What are the 5 most important gear upgrades for you right now (from any instance) and why? well as of right now i only would need hand,neck,back,ring as an upgrade as of right now, I could use a little more haste so i can reasch the haste cap and a little more sp to up my healing

    2. Do you have a viable DPS dual-spec, and if so, can you provide us with a gear profile/stats or a recent WoL/WMO/WWS log?as i said befor i don't a recent wol/wmo/wws log don't have an account with any of them. as far as my dual-spec i have a good boomkin sec 3/5 t10 and i have 587 hit 32.02% crit 312
    3. On an AoE-heavy fight, what spells do you cast, when and how often do you cast them, and why? I would stat with Starfall, Hurricane x2,Typhoon for some mana back or to slow adds down, then back to Hurricane, then maybe a moonfire on a few mobs then back to hurricane

    4. Same as question 3, but with heavy tank damage.i would roll all my hots Lifebloom,Rejuvenation , Regrowth then just use Nourish to keep him all with all way keeping my hot up and if he take big big damage Swiftmend Healing Touch

    5. What glyphs might you change depending on a fight and why?•[Glyph of Rejuvenation]: for [Glyph of Nourish]: Primarily a tank healing

    6. Why do you have 3/3 Living seed and 0/3 Revitalize? I have it couse i alway had another druid with it and i don't see it proc much and i am some time helping hot the tank and in some fight living seed is a big help but that is just me but if need be i would alway change my spec
  6. 587 hit? Why the hell do you need 587 hit? You are specced into Balance of power and 2/3 FF. Even without those you wouldn't need 587 hit. In fact, why aren't you 3/3 FF? Some peoples gear rely on a 3/3 FF. Can you explain to me where you found both of your specs?

    I believe Dukhat was referring to your main (Resto) spec.

    Living Seed doesn't heal for much, Revitalize can help the entire raid if used properly. This refers back to my questions about where you found your specs.

    Also, can you try putting some periods/other punctuation in your sentences. Run-on sentences are very difficult to read/understand.
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2010
  7. imilkonu

    imilkonu Guest

    i got my spce for my head did not copy anyone or got it from any were i read a few thing and just went from there for diffent sites and that is all

    I believe Dukhat was referring to your main (Resto) spec. On an AoE-heavy fight, what spells do you cast, when and how often do you cast them, and why? i would cast Wild Growth when i can . Rejuv spam across the raid for the imcoming damage. Regrowth who ever is takeing dot or extra damgae over time

    Living Seed doesn't heal for much, Revitalize can help the entire raid if used properly. This refers back to my questions about where you found your specs. Like i said if need be i can alway fix my spec if need be to help the raid
  8. i believe the point isn't "are you willing to respec" but trying to look at the skill and knowledge of a player and why they need instructions on how to spec.

    maybe that can be put somehow into the app to make it more clear, but i believe we know your ability and a loose understanding of why you took off previously. honestly, i just remember a few weeks of "where's milk?" and then you not being in guild too. if there's a forum post or something on it, i stand corrected, but it's typically better for that sort of thing to let people know what's up and something we expect of our raiders
  9. Nice belt buckle btw.
  10. imilkonu

    imilkonu Guest

    thanx :) so were do we go from here
  11. start by showing us you'll be there. show up for raids, spec/glyph right if you still need, belt buckle the belt, and we'll give you a 2nd chance ;)