Need "MMO" mouse recommendations

Discussion in 'Tech Talk' started by trancet, Aug 21, 2014.

  1. trancet

    trancet Veteran

    Basically, Archeage has a lot of buttons, lots of combo's with no in game macroing. So iam looking for a mouse with a bunch of thumb buttons on the side to assist with that.

    Seems to be quite a few options:
    Razor Naga
    Logitech G600
    Corsair Vengeance M95

    And a few others

    Does anyone ahve any experience or recommendations with any of these?
  2. Rune

    Rune Officer Pickle

    I've had just about every version of the Razer Naga and have never been disappointed with it.

    The 2014 Naga is a very solid mouse that has done away with a lot of the fatigue issues on the earlier model of the Naga mice. I was glad when I bought it. I honestly don't think I could play without it now.

    That said, I've never used the Logitech G600 or Corsair Vengence M95 so I cannot compare it to the other two, but from my experiance the 2014 Naga is a very solid mouse. I can see where they fixed a lot of the problems in the earlier model Nagas that people complain about.
  3. Definitely the Logitech G600 or Razer Naga. G600 seems a bit better built, but I am comparing that to the older Naga, not the new model. The G600 is much larger in your hand, so if you have big hands it is the best choice. If you have medium or small hands the Naga will fit you better.

    I have actually used both mice in MMOs, and it takes a day or two to get used to the new buttons but after that learning curve you simply cant play without it anymore because it feels so strange being without your hotkeys at the fingertips
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2014
  4. trancet

    trancet Veteran

    Ive currently got a Razor Death Adder 2013, but it doesn't exactly fill my hand, big hands come with being tall.

    Think ill give the G600 its chance then, keep the Deathadder for FPS games

    Thanks !
  5. Got a Razor Naga Hex awhile back and still love it to this day. My only issue with the razor naga is that they aren't weight adjustable and the mouse is really light.
  6. I use the Logitech G600. Solid mouse.
  7. Shorsh

    Shorsh Veteran

    Previously I was just using the deathadder.
    Then after playing Archeage I told myself okay this death adder isn't going to work.
    I ordered the Razer Naga 2014 and ive had it only for a week :p and i LOVE it.

    Also if you want a mouse that will fill your hands it won't be the Naga, its smaller then the Deathadder :c
  8. Kalverin

    Kalverin Veteran Star Citizen Member

    My only complaint about the new naga is the change of the two buttons that used to be on the side by left click. They have now moved those buttons behind the scroll wheel. I really don't get this at all. I hate having buttons there. Why is that better than beside your left click??!? Which is why i am clinging on my to old naga for dear life until it is completely unsalvageable.
  9. Rune

    Rune Officer Pickle

    I personally had a really hard time using those buttons to the left of the left click myself. And I'm sure many others did as well. I was glad they moved them behind the scroll wheel.
  10. trancet

    trancet Veteran

    Firstly, i love amazon prime and 2.99 overnight shipping charges.

    Testing out the mouse now, gonna take a bit of getting used to, but considering i switched from trackballs id been using for a decade, it shouldnt take long.

    thanks everyone !
  11. Varitas

    Varitas Veteran Crowfall Member

    Razor Naga Rocks!!!
  12. deagon

    deagon Veteran

    Well I just bought this one. Trying to play LoL to test it. Till now works and looks great! And cost just 10 Pounds (~15 dollars).

  13. HarleenQuinn

    HarleenQuinn Veteran Bless Online Member

    I use two different mice. just depends on what I am doing.

    1. Logitech's G600 MMO Gaming Mouse

    2. R.A.T. 7 by Madkatz (MY FAV)

    My keyboard is the S.T.R.I.K.E. 7

    and my HOTAS is the RHINO X55
  14. Shannon

    Shannon Veteran

    Razer Naga 2014 + Orbweaver Stealth here. Had the G19 but my daughter adopted that.
  15. Trice

    Trice Veteran Crowfall Member

  16. haibane

    haibane Veteran Crowfall Member

    As Enigma says, hes always right :p, grab the logitech 600.

    I had 2 nagas at home but, hell, the logitech 600 is much better imo, even if u have less thumb buttons (u got 6 instead of 12). I love logitech products, 600 + G13 are the way to go.

    For me the biggest + of the G600 compared to the naga is the finish, the materials, the overal feel of the mouse and the comfort of use. Naga feels like cheapass plastic, while the logitech feels much higher quality. For comfort, i even ditched my vertical mouse for day to day use since i got the G600, which i could not do at all with the Naga (wrist would hurt much much faster).

    I'm curious with the Corsair M95 tho, as i have the M60 which is awesomesauce for FPS but i don't use it for mmos as it's got no thumb buttons (well ok, it has 2).
  17. trancet

    trancet Veteran

    So far the logitech G600 is working good, 8 buttons has been plenty
  18. You got an 8 button version? I was thinking the G600 has 12 side buttons that are perfectly fit for regular MMOs skillbars. Hmm.
  19. trancet

    trancet Veteran

    4x3, guess it is 12, cant math apparently.