Need Android apps recomendation

Discussion in 'Tech Talk' started by Doxy, Feb 27, 2013.

  1. Doxy

    Doxy Veteran Camelot Unchained Member

    Just got my first android phone Nexus 4 and in need of some apps.

    Firs of all, what is a good sms app? Cause default on sux =]
    Also list any other apps you like/use.
  2. Many people use an app called Friendcaster instead of the official Facebook app.
    Either "Movies" or "Fandango" is a good app for checking on movies, trailers, and showtimes
    Dropbox + Dropsync are good for syncing files between devices if you have a dropbox account.
    Titanium Backup is a great backup application for once you root your phone.
    For games:
    I enjoy some of the Kairosoft games for casual play. They can be addicting, but many are just "meh". The ones I like best are Grand Prix Story, Epic Astro Story, and Pocket League Story
    Reversi Free from AI Factory is also a great time killer when you are bored and have a few minutes
    Anomaly Warzone HD is a fun Tower Offense style game
    Then you have your RPG's like "A Bard's Tale", Zenonia series, and others that you will find nearby those games in the store.
    Need For Speed: Most Wanted is fun
    You have shooters like Nova 3 and Modern Combat 4
    Townsmen is a fun city building sim.
    Then you have all your standard Angry Birds, Words with friends, etc etc games.
    And some fun Final Fantasy games. Final Fantasy Tactics should be up on the play store soon.

    Nova Launcher and Apex Launcher are very good replacements to the stock launcher. They have the same feel and design as stock, but way more options.
    Beautiful Widgets is a really great weather app, the best IMO. But it costs a few bucks. Eye in The Sky is also good, but graphics arent as nice and the interface seems more laggy.

    You should also try to find a good ROM and kernel combo on your phone, it makes things much more interesting.
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2013
  3. mwhays

    mwhays Veteran

    I used to use Handcent SMS and it worked fantastic. And its free. I prefer flixter to fandango- flixter uses rotten tomatoes reviews. Amazon mp3 (for the cloud player) Amazon App Store (free app everyday... sometimes they are really really nice. Like $30 office software nice. Beware though, sometime they are spam. Check reviews before dowloading free app of the day to be sure.) There is also a strong rooted android phone following here. Myself and Enigma included. Feel free to ask questions as you learn your new phone!
  4. Ryld Baenre

    Ryld Baenre Veteran FPS Member

    Poynt. Best app for any phone IMO.
  5. Trice

    Trice Veteran Crowfall Member

    Firs of all, what is a good sms app? Cause default on sux =] : I use GoSMS
    other apps I use : InstaGram, AcuWeather, Gmail, Discover,, UPS, and KiK Messanger,
  6. youll prolly want to get Chrome to replace the stock browser, i like it a lot better. +! to beautiful widgets. currents is kinda interesting. Quickpic is a good gallery replacement, root explorer is nice if youre rooted, its my preferred file explorer, espn score center is decent, same with stumbleUpon. I really like the swype keyboard. naturally the teamspeak 3 app is a must :) i use the weather channel app for weather thats about most of the stuff i really use except apps for accessing other websites and services like US bank and my cable provider.

    enigma is right, the real fun comes with kernels and roms. Xenon HD is a good one and i think its for the nexus 4. That paired with francokernel is baller.