Need a new headset

Discussion in 'Tech Talk' started by Wauzers, Apr 11, 2012.

  1. Wauzers

    Wauzers Veteran Crowfall Member

    Hey everyone,

    I really need a new headset but i don't know what to get.
    Money is no problem. Just want a bloody good one =)
  2. If money is mo problem there are only 2 ways to go, the Sennheiser PC350/360 or the beyerdynamic MMX 300 Manufaktur

    The Senn 360's fix the shortcomings of the 350's. However you can fix the 350's yourself with a little modding. These headsets sound great once you get them broken in, but are terrible the first week you own them. Night and day difference after owning them for a little while. The mic sounds very good and works really well. The only real drawback is the high clamping pressure, it takes a good year or more of use to get them loosened up and feeling comfortable on your head, for me at least. I just dont like things clamping down too tight.
    Sennheiser is a very good overall company that many people enjoy. Their signature sound is a little bit heavy on the midrange and not a lot of airy sounding high's. Beyerdynamic on the other hand is opposite, much more airy high's and many models have big bass response with a dip in the midrange sound. So really it is the type of sound you enjoy for which headset to go with. I am personally more a fan of Sennheiser's sound.

    Positional audio sounds really good in these headsets, and more importantly (to me at least) the sound quality is far beyond anything from other companies. I have gone through probably 8 headsets and all sounded like crap until I got my PC350's broken in. I have tried Logitech's, Razer, Triton, Steelseries, and a couple no-name headsets and headphones and hated all of them. The Triton's were the worst though, terrible sound quality. For music these work very well too. Personally I am under the belief that a great headset will sound good for any normal use, be it gaming, music, critical listening, or listening to webinar. If a headset is designed right and doesnt just emphasize one part of the frequency spectrum a lot then it will work everywhere.

    If you dont have a good sound card or external DAC & amp then I would suggest getting an ASUS Xonar Essense ST (or STX for PCI-E). A great sound card will have a large effect on how good your headset sounds. This one is very nice and has a dedicated headphone amp to properly drive your new headset.
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2012
  3. Wauzers

    Wauzers Veteran Crowfall Member

    ahhhh yeah, thats the problem i wanted to post also. I want a build in sound card. I am getting tired of on board sound cards and dont have room for a normal sound card.
    Getting tired of those jacks always making noise and have to play with them for working right. I want to get rid of that mess.

    And went i said money is no problem i didnt mend 300 freaking euro's lol. I thought more like 150 max :)

    Compared to my old headsets that a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig increase :p
  4. Blackice

    Blackice Veteran

    Still using the Razer Carcharias here, it's a pretty great gaming headset. The comfort level, mic quality, gaming design and cord are unbeatable for sure. The sound is great but I would bet on a much more expensive set, or a professional quality DJ headset, to bring out much more quality tonal resonance than just any regular "great" stereo surround will do.
  5. Wauzers

    Wauzers Veteran Crowfall Member

    I went for the Razer Megalodon, saw a lot of good revieuws about it. Thickend cords. Build in sound card. So i wonder how it will be :)
  6. Blackice

    Blackice Veteran

    Let us know how it works out for you!
  7. Im a turtlebeach fan myself. Bought a pair when I was at pax east 2011, and I have been using them ever since. It works for both my ps3 and 360 so I love em for the easy transitioning.
  8. Wauzers

    Wauzers Veteran Crowfall Member

    It works great the Megalodon. You can hear everything ingame. Mic works great also. Easy to adjust. You just dont hear you tv anymore ^^
    If you have it to loud and on 7.1 your ears starts to bleed after listeren a few hours to whining people on TS but besides that it works fine for me :)
  9. Blackice

    Blackice Veteran

  10. Yasha

    Yasha Guest