Nammon's Application

Discussion in 'Denied Applications' started by Nammon, Mar 21, 2011.

  1. Nammon

    Nammon Guest

    TERA Online Application
    How old are you?
    In-Game Name?
    Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic?
    What is your primary class?
    Why did you choose XoO:
    I was looking on the forums for TERA and you guys looked like the best. It was pretty apparent ;D.
    Previous Gaming Experience:
    Eve Online, Aion, Star Trek Online, and various non-mmo games. I love mmo's but recently I've been pretty bored of the ones I've played, so I've been pretty excited about Tera. I've pvped before and was in the Aion closed beta and open beta. I've done pvp in every game, but usually I'm not in such a huge guild.
    Why do you think you'll be a good fit?
    I'm extremely mellow person, and a team player. I like mmo's and have a lot of time to play right now. I like pvp, because fighting bots is only fun for so long, I believe that the true fun of mmo's is in pking.
    What will you contribute to the guild?
    In one of the other responses I've said I was a team player. I've been in leadership roles before, but I prefer to let someone else do it. I want to be a mystic because I like the support role, cc, buffs, etc. So, I'll contribute those for sure. :D
    Do you have a referral?
    A little bit about yourself?
    Like I've said before I like helping other people out, and I love joining up with people to go on pk runs, or instances. I'm a student of IT.
    Activity level?
    Do you have a high speed internet connection and a good computer?
    Have you applied to the TERA usergroup?
  2. Needs a bit more information. Please elaborate on some of the topic areas. Thanks.
  3. Nammon

    Nammon Guest


    Previous Gaming Experience:

    Ok, so on EvE online I've played as an intercepter, covert ops recon, or high dps battlecruiser for a group of friends to go do small ganks in 0 sec space. I had the points and the money to get into battleships, but I was still deciding what do. I was gallante and caldari mainly. Caldari for the recon, and shield tanking battle cruiser. Gallante for blaster dps or rail guns. Also I like the way their ships look. :) I still come back to EvE Online every once in a while. It's just a great game, and I love playing it.

    As for Aion. I was in several of the Closed Betas as well as the Open Beta. I loved that game in the beta's. I played Templar, Glad, and then Sorc. I was in a small Legion with a bunch of friends on vent. Nothing as huge as XoO. I started on the Elyos side, but then quickly switched at Launch because I felt that asmodean's were going to be the pvp champs, and attracted generally a more mature audience. After getting to a fairly mid level I quit because school at the time was insane. I was actually thinking of going back to Aion, but then I saw Tera and said...that game looks amazing I think I'll play that instead. I was in a leadership position within our little group, but like I said I don't really enjoy it as much as a support role. Which is why I want to play Mystic in Tera.

    Star Trek Online, I was also in the betas before the game started. The game wasn't that impressive so I didn't decide to continue playing it. Pretty much it was the shortest mmo I've ever played. I was in an administrative position for a larger guild before the game even launched, but one of the major leaders in the guild decided to leave and basically dissolved it before launch. So, it ended up being just me and some friends.

    I think this is the information that you guys wanted more of. Sorry, I was too vague. Anyway if I'm still missing something let me know and I'll respond. Thanks :)
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2011
  4. We do require 40+ hours a week minimum for TERA. We will have the most active players and the best players when launch comes. Will you be able to play 40+ hours a week? I ask because 36 is pretty close to the minimum requirement.
  5. Nammon

    Nammon Guest

    I can make the 40+ hour commitment. Especially at launch. I'll probably play a lot more the week of launch.
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2011
  6. Have you had any hands-on experience with TERA? Like NA focus group testing, convention demos, etc.
  7. Nammon

    Nammon Guest

    I haven't had any first hand experience, but I've watched a lot of live streams and videos so far. I'd love to get some first hand experience. I've mostly tried to find mystic gameplay videos, because that is the class I want to play. Actually, if you guys know of any material I'd love to get some links. Especially if it's in English. A lot of the videos out there are still Korean.
  8. alright will get you setup with an interview.
  9. Interviewed and ACCEPTED.

    Your 30-day probationary period begins now. Make sure you check out the New Recruits Guide for TERA and follow the instructions.

    A good deal of time remains until the game's release so stay active on the forums and in TeamSpeak as much as possible.

    You now have access to the members section of the forums. Feel free to create an introduction thread and familiarize yourself with the TERA forums.

    You are welcome to play any of the other supported games, however you would need to contact the Commanding Officer of that division [that is listed on the main page, to the right] for info on how to join them. If you have any other questions/comments don't hesitate to ask.

    Welcome to the XoO.
  10. Maddi

    Maddi Guest

    Welcome to XoO! :D I'm glad you made it! What game are ya playing while you wait for TERA?
  11. DENIED, due to inactivity