Namja, Sorc

Discussion in 'Denied Applications' started by Namja, Mar 14, 2010.

  1. Namja

    Namja Guest

    1. Age (18+ Requirement): Check

    2. In-Game Name: Namja

    3. Current Class: Sorceror

    4. Level: 50

    5. Do you have vent and a mic?: Yes

    6. Previous gaming experience: Been gaming since I can remember. I've mainly
    been playing MMO's for the past few years.

    7. Why did you choose XoO?: I've been playing with Xoo members for the past few weeks and it's been a lot of fun. I find there is a good mix of wanting to accomplish something but at the same time making sure it's fun.

    8. Why do you think you'll be a good fit?: Like I stated above, I believe my playstyle and goals coincide with XOO's.

    9. What will you contribute to the guild: I can contribute my time and energy towards whatever
    goal the guild sets forth for itself.

    10. How will you improve our guild and be a valued member?: Difficult to say, I can't play as much as most people, but when I do I'm pretty hardcore when it comes to getting things done.

    11. What guild were you previously in or are you currently a member of, and why do you wish to leave? I am/was in Drama. It was a break away guild from Hate. There aren't really too many people in there when you want to do things.

    12. Do you have a referal?: Seven

    13. A little bit about yourself: My name is Tony, I've been a hardcore gamer
    for a good number of years now, but now I have a demanding job that takes up a lot
    of my time. So I'm playing fairly casually and just to have fun.

    14. Activity Level? (hrs/week): about 3-4 hours a night, and most of the day on Sunday's.

    15. Apply to usergroup using via the following steps: User CP --> Networking --> Group Memberships... and join Aion NA Member. - Done
  2. Seven

    Seven Guest

    YAY! Ok, please let this dude in!!!!
  3. Kava

    Kava Veteran

    hey namja, glad your appin. :)
  4. Check Your PM's
  5. xerxeszzzzz

    xerxeszzzzz Aion XO (NA)

    Namja could not agree to the code of conduct and therfore left the legion becouse of such.No hard feelings where taken and wish him luck.