Chronicles of Elyria Naboo's Application

Discussion in 'Accepted and on Probation' started by Naboo, Jun 29, 2016.

  1. Naboo

    Naboo Veteran Crowfall Member

    How old are you?:
    Why do you want to join XoO for CoE?:
    I'm a hardcore dedicated player that is seeking a good community. To build upon that community and make new friendships. Oh and there's always the PvPs and loot stuffs.
    How did you hear about us?:
    CoE forums and a general internet search
    What do you want to focus on in CoE?:
    What are you general play times?:
    5pm-12am MST Mon-Friday, Wed & Sun are iffy, Saturdays are a no go due to RL Tabletop RPing.
    Why should you join us?:
    I should join because I'm a dedicated person. I give my 110% while playing an active game. I try to do my best to support any and all guildmates. I like to build relationships early for a game, because I believe that the "guild community" will be better for it.
    I might not be the best PvPer, but I can take orders and carry them out. I don't mind doing some dirty work as long as it's beneficial for the guild as a whole or beneficial to one of its members. I've already pledged for CoE so I'm good to go for some definite Beta action, don't remember if I have Alpha or not.
    I can be the best 2nd in command or peon you've ever seen :p
    I also have a small passion for PvP, not that I need to focus that in an MMORPG, but if the RP binds the guild/group together and it's needed I'll be there to participate.
    I choose the Assassin focus, however I'm very comfortable being somewhat of a front line fighter too(Champion) or would be open to Explore or Scout. I'm not much of a Supplier or Producer however I can help gather resources to benefit the community. My first initial thought of what I wanted to do in CoE, was to be a Tavern owner that could help gather info, RP, and gain money; while also being a sly assassin behind the scenes, but we shall see how that plays out.
    I've been associated with multi-game gaming communities for the last 2-3 years, but no means am I a community/guild hopper. I take my commitments to heart. It takes "growing" apart or something super heinous to drive me away.
  2. Naboo

    Naboo Veteran Crowfall Member

    Chronicles of Elyria Hype!
  3. Ani

    Ani Veteran Staff Member Communications Director

    I am glad we have someone who already has their backstory in mind for this game!
  4. Ani

    Ani Veteran Staff Member Communications Director

    When will you be able to hop in TS to have a quick chat?
  5. And so it begins
  6. Naboo

    Naboo Veteran Crowfall Member

    Probably tonight sir. I'm pretty open right now.
  7. Naboo

    Naboo Veteran Crowfall Member

    Hello there, yes yes it does. If you have some time, I'll want to bend your ear a little about BDO. I've had my account since launch but didn't get into it since we were raiding in WoW. So now is my opportunity to give her a try.
  8. Naboo

    Naboo Veteran Crowfall Member

    Totally, and if the tavern thing doesn't work out I'll be in the shadows somewhere daggers ready :)
  9. Probably the best time to get it into it unless you want to wait for ninja. They just dropped the new desert area yesterday so everyone is off exploring it. We have 3 or 4 people who just started in the last couple weeks and have been able to catch up.
  10. Naboo

    Naboo Veteran Crowfall Member

    Yeah leveling doesn't seem to take long but getting my head wrapped around this massive of a game will probably take some time. I like the challenge though. There's just so much, in some small ways it reminds me of SWG, minus the epic classes/professions.
  11. Yeah a ton to do and they introduced even more, we are on Orwen if you havent invested too much into your current charactetr
  12. Naboo

    Naboo Veteran Crowfall Member

    Well since we didn't have anything really established I think we're ok with rerolling I think I'm only like 17 over on Edan or whatever it's called
  13. werd yeah its easy, as long as you didnt dump a bunch of cash on it
  14. Naboo

    Naboo Veteran Crowfall Member

    Trying to connect via the forum link on TS and it requires a password, @Moosie or myself could not find it
  15. Naboo

    Naboo Veteran Crowfall Member

    Hey all, just a quick inquiry, I've added my TS ID to my forum account about 3 times now and I still don't have privileges to move around TS. Also, I requested to join the BDO and WoW groups, with no response yet. Seeing that CoE is a pretty long way out, I have no where to hang my gaming hat, it's very crucial for me to be playing with the community I want to be a part of. Is there anyway I could get access to their forum sections since I don't even know who specifically to contact in the WoW Group other than the GM which I tend to not head to the top first lol.
  16. I'll check into it