my first XoO sig

Discussion in 'Creative Writing, Graphics, Movies, etc.' started by Aral, Jul 31, 2008.

  1. Aral

    Aral Veteran


  2. good

  3. Retsah

    Retsah Veteran

    Awesome. Just did one up myself.
  4. Kinda big...
  5. Aral

    Aral Veteran

    is it? D:

    i was looking around but there didnt seem to be a standard size...
  6. anything above 500 x 200 is big. Some people go over this but its usually people making their own sigs and using umpteen ign's... PDOG.... but yea, its good, better than my first.
  7. Aral

    Aral Veteran

    its 500 x 150 ^^
  8. Retsah

    Retsah Veteran

    I think they're referring more to mine buddy.

    I'll see about making a smaller one.
  9. Aral

    Aral Veteran

    oh, sorry then.
  10. Both were a little large for my taste. I usually go for something around 400x120. +/- a few pix.
  11. Lev

    Lev Banned

    Size is good, I'd love it way more if the guild's name was "Xen Onslaught" because I can't see a place the "of" fits.
    P.S. I think Xen Onslaught sounds stupid, but looks good for graphical aesthetics.
  12. Aral

    Aral Veteran


    the ''of' is there... o_O

    if your referring to the relative size.. there isnt much i can do about that alas. the stylized logo was taken from the featured guild page on the warhammer site.
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2008
  13. Visually it's pleasing.

    Technically it's lacking.

    Unless you made the logo.
  14. Aral

    Aral Veteran

    lol, i just said i didnt.

    but that aside, do you have any suggestions on how i could make it more technically pleasing? :p
  15. No depth... no artistic style. It seems all to plain. No special effects just some renders. Some crippling masks always help IMO. Maybe some curves and gradient maps. A clear light source or two. Just some thoughts.
  16. You made a background and slapped images and text on it.

    That should answer your question right there. >_>
  17. Aral

    Aral Veteran

    actually... i didnt make a background XD

    i stuck two images together, resized and cut until they fit the way i wanted them, then hid the join using the cut-out raven host logo, before slapping the XoO featured guild header over it. with alittle outline blending

  18. *Poke*Poke*
    I made the featured guild header :p
  19. Realm-Reaper

    Realm-Reaper Guest

    That's Badass bro!
  20. Aral

    Aral Veteran

    O, may i use it? ^^