My Brute!!!

Discussion in 'Public General Chat' started by mercsan, May 19, 2009.

  1. mercsan

    mercsan <font color=ff00ff size=1>T</font><font color=ff00 Crowfall Member

  2. Aerthan

    Aerthan Guest

  3. I feel sorry for all you super-bored people.
  4. I feel sorry for you cause you can't beat me. :p
  5. Blackwolf99

    Blackwolf99 Guest

    Lol, pets make that game really retarded. :( Fun idea tho.
  6. Kyoji isn't a super bored person?
  7. No, he just thinks he's better than the rest of us.
  8. mercsan

    mercsan <font color=ff00ff size=1>T</font><font color=ff00 Crowfall Member

    well, maybe you.

    oh snap!! Epic Pwnage
  9. I'm pretty sure the original statement is correct. Kyoji > All.
    Last edited: May 19, 2009
  10. That's not really an accomplishment.

    oh wait...
  11. noein

    noein Veteran Star Citizen Member