My Band

Discussion in 'Creative Writing, Graphics, Movies, etc.' started by Sneax, Jan 12, 2010.

  1. Sneax

    Sneax Guest

    So this is my band I'm about to link here its post-rock so there are no vocals, draws alot of inspiration from ISIS, red sparrows, and some other artists of the genre. It's not for everyone so I don't expect many people to like it.

    Part I of the songs listed up there is mea, really showing what my band does can be seen in the end half of part II and part III. i would suggest forgoing part I :p All the songs have a build to them so they sound a bit slow in the begining just give it time :D

    Thanks for listening critique appreciated.
  2. Samakar

    Samakar Veteran

    Hmm, not bad mate. Could clean up your distortion tone just a little bit for Part 1, I'm kinda running out the door as I was listening, but I listened to the whole thing for Part 1 and it sounded pretty interesting, but yea, clean up the distortion tone just a little to make it more present, could add a little less gain and add some more mids into it. I dig your clean tone. As far as the bass, I never heard a lot of low notes coming from the bass through most of it? Made the music a little empty, so that's definitely something to maybe to consider. Still, very interesting, could probably add a bit more of a recurring melody to make it a bit more memorable.

    Sorry if I sound like I'm nit picking, I'm just giving you my personal advice as a song writer. :)

    What did you use to record/mix/finish the songs? Also, the drums could be a lot more present in the mix. What kind of guitars/basses/drums/ ect. did you use in the recording?
  3. Sneax

    Sneax Guest

    It's cool bro, the 1st bit is quite lacking the 2nd takes it up a notch and then the 3rd is where the magic is :p, we use an 8track recorder and cubase, the only thing we record with direct input is keys and synth. As for the instruments no clue on the drums, there are a bunch of different guitars and basses used, for guitars we use a strat, a telecaster, an ibanez artcore a les paul (one of the new pos not an old one or anything thats one of the reasons the heavy sounds awful) and for the acoutic its an ibanez acoustic electric. The bass I'm also a lil clueless on the guy has like 3-4 custom made basses.

    There is a slight mess up in part 2 in the begining, I'm sure you will notice it. I was to lazy to
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2010
  4. Samakar

    Samakar Veteran

    Lol not bad, how many mics do you have for doing live recording? I'd set up more, rerecord your drum tracks and then mix them more into the recording. Although, if you're going for a live sound in a small room you definitely have the sound, but the drums do seem a bit flat, might want to tune the snare a little bit.
  5. nice stuff..Im an older rocker and it reminds me of the progressive /avant/psyche rock of 68' to 79'.
    Some organ work and it would be right there.
  6. Sneax

    Sneax Guest

    Will try get the drum recordings to be a bit more livley next time we record thanks for the critique. I'm intrested in knowing what you think about the other 2 parts.
  7. I saw ISIS open for Tool a few years ago. I felt bad because a lot of the crowd didn't understand the style of music and were not into them. I knew going in there were be limited vocals and long progressive songs. I thought they were great. I bought the Absence of Truth album after that.

    It takes a certain mood for me to want to listen to Prog Rock but if I am in it I love it. I like how it can surround you as back ground music. I picked a good time to check out your band since I just got done listening to Aenima. Over all I liked what I heard. I agree with Samakar that an overall cleaned up sound would be cool but for getting started it sounds great.

    If you (or anyone here) are open to learning about similar sounds check out my friends band Lungs out of MN.
  8. Sneax

    Sneax Guest

    Isis opening for tool was simply amazing, I know what you mean when they opened in NY everyone was sitting down disinterested. I thought they were so good.

    and tnx for...liking it i guess :D

    p.s that logo for the band you link looks alot like the ISIS one.
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2010