Mortal Online Discussion Page

Discussion in 'Upcoming Game Chatter' started by Kyoji, Mar 26, 2009.

  1. new recruits and veterans may discuss the game here.
  2. ok as you wish koji!

    hey guys wich of the races so far anounced so far do you like the best?

    Half-orc -i think they look good, and have big chanced to be my alt/main rogue/gladiator

    Tindremene-they are ok but i dont find them interesting enough.

    Khurite-those cool looking...i need to create some guy named kubilay Kahn or something.

    Forest Elf-i hate elf but that art is sweet!

    Sidoian- im gona create a crafter or something maybe a ranger with this one!

    Kallard- man i think this have the closest chances to be my main. a big guy witha a even bigger weapon/ or 2 weapons.

    i looking foward to see whats the deal with the deva sistems.
    it reminds me of Guild Wars, once you unlock a skill its unlocked for every one in the acount.

    and i realy hope they can have the flag sistem funtional when they lunch the game!
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2009
  3. they dont seem done with the races, but IMO the elf has got it going on. :D
  4. The beta is out for this already right?
  5. I don't remember exactly, but whatever race looks most Russian is the one I'll take. ;)
  6. Xenzoku

    Xenzoku Veteran

    In soviet Russia, Race Takes YOU!!!

    Tindremene looks kind of cool, based on the roman empire and all, and the half orcs also look kind of cool. But for now my vote is on the elves, at least till more races are unveiled.
  7. Steelcrater

    Steelcrater Guest

    Flagging system looks interesting, but I'm really looking forward to the crafting skills...I would love to be able to be a full time crafter and actually enjoy the game. Would make things quite fun.
  8. flagging seems interesting, but not too keen on the stat loss time increase through killing someone. This isn't a fucking carebear game where people hug and get along. Kill that sonabitch!
  9. Ponder

    Ponder Guest

    The flagging system is where it's at...and thieving? from players!? I love, love, LOVE so many of the ideas that UO has inspired for them. Open pvp/looting, thieving, no levels etc../stoked.
  10. the flagging system doesn't look inspired by UO... it sort of is UO's flagging system =P even down to the 5 murder counts.
    Not complaining mind you. I'm a UO fanboi, and love the flagging system.

    Sort of weird to hear the statloss though. doesn't it already have full loot?

    I suppose it would be fine if there is a timer on murder counts and go down while offline. If that's the case, its not a big deal at all =P In UO we called them Blue PKs. kill 4 people.. let the timer kick down a few, kill again.
  11. well it is ispired by UO. because "like 50%" of the staff worked on UO.

    so its to some degree a UO meets next gene grafics.

    but dont you only get the stat loss when you are killed? looks like you can gank as much as you want as long as you are carefull!

    what i alwasy want to know is how the inventory works on a full loot sistem.
    i hope its s str/con thing where stroger character can cary much more stuff than a week. but because they already are using hevy armor they can loot everithing from some one but only what they need or want.