
Discussion in 'Creative Writing, Graphics, Movies, etc.' started by Kava, Oct 28, 2009.

  1. Kava

    Kava Veteran

    Might be hard to find but it was a brilliant film. One of my favs for 2009.
  2. That looks really good.
    Sam Rockwell is a really good actor.
    Ill be watching for this..I want to know what happened now..damn trailers..:)
  3. Kava

    Kava Veteran

    Here is the song played throughout the movie.

    I've had it stuck in my head since I've watched it. So powerful sounding.

  4. This movie looks like some good Sci-fi. Hasn't been any of that around for a while.
  5. Moon

    Moon Guest

    And I thought this post was dedicated to me lol ....btw it looks awesome =D
  6. This is going to be one of those movies that frustrates the hell out of me. But that won't stop me from seeing it in the theatres.
  7. Why will it frustrate you?
  8. I hate the movies where the person is going insane and starts doing stuff that is completely irrational. It hurts my brain. I'm just weird like that.
  9. Saw this movie. It was pretty good. Very good for an indie film.
  10. wow that looks really good im gonna have to go see that one.. thnx for the clip...
  11. He actually doesn't do anything irrational at all. The reason for the tension is obvious once you start the movie.

    Fucking great move, and Sam Rockwell nails it.