Mieu's Application

Discussion in 'Denied Applications' started by Mieu, Apr 16, 2012.

  1. Mieu

    Mieu Guest

    Aion (NA) Application
    How old are you?
    In-Game Name?
    Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic?
    What is your primary class?
    What do you like about your job class?
    I like that it's pretty soloable, but also a key factor in many groups. It's fun to play (having played mostly support classes before this) and ... well, I like being a badass and blowing things up.
    What is your level (Suggested Level of 50+)
    Do you have any 45+ alts? Would you be willing to join them to legion?
    Yes... a 57 cleric (Starfire) and a 56 chanter (Scifo). Everything else is 42 or lower.

    My ranger (42 - Amerii) currently has her own legion just for storage.
    Would you consider yourself more of a PvP or PvE oriented player and why?
    Primarily I am definitely a PvE player. Some of my characters spent a short while as a 50 twink, but eventually that got boring (before I could gear up as well as most twinks, sadly...). I do enjoy PvP sometimes, but when it stops being fun (i.e., zerged to death repeatedly), I want to stop and do something else.
    What Legion(s) were you previously with and why did you leave?
    Most recently, I tried out <Infusion> at the request of a friend. They were okay for a time, but during an instance the tank (also a member) asked us to wait for him to eat dinner, which we did; then when I had to go eat, he kicked me out and replaced me, after calling me a "dumbass". I left after that.
    Why did you choose XoO:
    XoO came highly recommended by Yuzuka, who joined shortly after the Zikel & Vaizel merge. Based on what she said, your legion fits what I'd like to find in a legion for myself.
    Previous Gaming Experience:
    My first MMO was Ragnarok Online, which I played for probably about half a year. I tried out a few free MMORPGs but the only one that held much interest for me was Dream of Mirror Online, which I probably played for about a year, and spent some time volunteering there as well. A friend I made there introduced me to Aion when it released, and I`ve been playing ever since! I did take a break here and there (tried out SWTOR - it wasn`t for me), and currently plan to balance playing Aion and TERA in my free time.
    Why do you think you'll be a good fit?
    I`m pretty laid back, so I`m not one to cause drama. I`m just here to have fun, and based on what I`ve heard, you guys do that very well! Plus, my sister Yuzuka is there!
    What will you contribute to the guild?
    I am always looking for a group to run the various end-game instances of Aion. I also have three high level toons, so I can adapt to fit whatever the group needs fairly easily (unless they need a tank!). I have artisan tailoring on my sorc (but am missing a few key recipes), and artisan alchemy on my cleric. If people gather the materials, I don`t mind crafting things for them free of charge, assuming I have the designs needed.
    Do you have a referral?
    A little bit about yourself?
    29 year old female, working in Canada (so my gaming time is mostly evenings and weekends). I'm a fan of all things BBC, and also the "Tales of..." console RPG series. I like to read and hope to publish my own novel someday! And usually when I type, everything I say is a minefield of emoticons. I'm trying to sound a bit professional here... Is it working?

    Note: I do have Teamspeak, I just don't have a working mic...
    Do you have a sense of humor?
    Yes... Probably dry/sarcastic humour. My friends could probably describe it better. I know not to take things too seriously though.
    Activity level?
    Ranging anywhere between 20-40 hours... Sometimes more.
    Do you have a high speed internet connection and a good computer?
    Have you applied to the Aion (NA) usergroup?
  2. Yuzuka

    Yuzuka Guest

    My sister!! *Pounce*
    Good application! You'll probably be asked if you plan on getting a working mic or not. I hope someone sees this soon and that I can invade -- erm, sit in on the interview. xD ♥

    Good luck! :D
  3. Deban

    Deban Veteran

    Hello! Thanks for applying to XoO! :)

    Lol - Yuzuka nailed exactly the question that I need to ask. It sounds like you did have a mic but you may have had something occur which resulted in a form of technical issue.

    Are there any plans to obtain a working mic at all, Mieu?
  4. Mieu

    Mieu Guest

    Thanks for the quick reply. :3

    I recently got a new computer, so I just haven't had the opportunity (or motivation really) to figure out if what I have will work, or if I need a new one. In the meantime, I've always had a tendency to type responses to things said in Vent or TS, so I have no problem joining in just with listening capabilities.

    TL;DR version: If need be, I don't mind going out to fetch a new one ^^;
  5. Hi, Mieu - thank you for the equally quick reply. :)

    I would prefer it if you had your own mic since it will be needed for the interview. Generally, if you prefer typing, that is fine, but I would like it if we are running an instance or PvPing that people have the option of a mic available. It makes everything much easier and more organized.
  6. Mieu

    Mieu Guest

    Alright! I'll see what I can do tonight after work, or otherwise possibly use one of the laptops for this. It might be a few days before I can make it to the store to look for a new one if it comes to that.
  7. Mieu

    Mieu Guest

    Mmk, after looking at things it seems like my best bet is to give it a shot with the iPhone app, if that's compatible with your server.
  8. Deban

    Deban Veteran

    Hey Mieu! :)

    It would actually be best if we held off until you had a solid mic to communicate with, we need all members to be able to communicate effectively and the iPhone app is not a solid method of making that happen. We need to be able to make sure that the route of communication stays stable, open, and fair for everybody within the community for whom our divisional guidelines fall upon.
    If possible - we would like to request that you obtain a mic before you are considered a future member of Xen of Onslaught.


    Application Status: Pending
  9. Mieu

    Mieu Guest

    Thanks for your time and consideration, but at this time I feel it's best to withdraw my application.

    Have fun in Aion~!
  10. Deban

    Deban Veteran


    See post above: