Metaknight -- Demo Lock.

Discussion in 'Denied Applications' started by Metaknight, Apr 6, 2010.

  1. Metaknight

    Metaknight Guest

    1. Character Info: Name, Class, Main Spec (Link armory): Metaknight, Warlock, Demo

    2. Explaine your talent selection (theorycrafting source, specialization choices etc): I just used a cookie cutter spec, from a Warlock named iix in SC about 8 months ago.

    3. Your Age: 18.

    4. Current professions and their raid benefit: 450 Enchanting, and just recently picked up tailoring for the SP.

    5. How long you've been playing WoW and what PvE progression you've accomplished: I started playing wow about june 09 and started raiding about october 09. I've cleared up to Lich King and I have hardmode experience from before the ICC buffs were even out.

    6. Describe how you theorycraft your class: SP to haste 3:1, stay right on hitcap and gem towards socket bonuses. Pretty simple.

    7. Occupation and living arrangements that impact raiding (family, schedule, etc): I currently live with my parents as I'm a poor college kid, however I'm trying to save money right now because I've been drinking way too much so why not play video games.

    8. Guild History - where are you leaving and why: I was recently in Divergence, but they couldn't down anything and I'm in Kingsguard ATM but they all bitch at each other and it's quite annoying. I'm looking for a guild with GOOD progression and my friend IRL says that you guys can promise it.

    9. How did you hear about us? List any friends/references within the guild: Tendeuce.

    10. List your raid consumables and your method for maximizing them:

    11. I have all the time in the world.

    12. Provide your raid damage/healing performance. Examples are Recount Screenshot with personal breakdown of attacks, WoW Web Stats (WWS), or World of Logs: I'll run ICC25 later tonight and screenshot performance.

    13. Provide a screenshot of your UI: ^^

    14. Can you take constructive criticism and being call out on mistakes (both in and out of raid)? Yes.

    15. Final comments you feel could help your application:

    At the moment, I do know my problem. I'm far over hitcap because of a bad trinket. Right now, I'm looking for Scourgelord's Baton from Lady Deathwhisper, so I can replace the trinket. I have Reign of the Unliving sitting in my bags but if I drop this current trinket I will be under hit cap.

    Aside from a trinket and offhand, I think the only thing I need at all is tokens, and I understand you guys do EPGP and I know it'll be a bit before I can get them.

    I know this app. was short but I have to rush to class so I had to sloppy joe it.
  2. [​IMG]
  3. Ologhai

    Ologhai WoW Sargeras CO

    Trying to decide if we need another warlock at the moment. Will get you an answer soon.
  4. Metaknight

    Metaknight Guest

    Just close this.
  5. Ologhai

    Ologhai WoW Sargeras CO

    Invited as a friend for now. We'll see if a spot opens up.