Member Forums Suggestions

Discussion in 'Public General Chat' started by Tribat, Jun 22, 2008.

  1. Lev

    Lev Banned

    Something I have to bring up is that having to dig around to find membership in the control panel is a generally a hassle to xoobie greenhorns, sometime in the year I look forward to this being resolved.

    If you believe you can reform the separatism in the XoO community sections then I'd support diluting their communities by having them contribute to the whole. What my idealism would be is that anything that isn't specific to the game like such threads as "OMG LOOK AT THESE ARMOR STATS" or "rofl, look at this funny in-game chat" ect. then it should be posted in public forums.
    But unfortunately if this mentioning does not catch on, I doubt it will cause reform. Remember: Different XO's and CO's dictate how their division is run, if you are below that member in direct associated ranking then you probably should not criticize.

    If this opinion is wrong then I think the guild situation of what lead me to believe this in the first place is a cause for consideration, please consider this comment to be otherwise rhetorical.

    Three things: 1) Not all xoobies have tactful grievances, 2) Not all xoobies take valid complaints rationally, 3) Not all grievances have no potential to be detrimental to the guild's health.

    I think that there should be a grievance option, a box you can go into through something like a Support link in the header that allows you to post in a thread that's doesn't allow non-admin, non-mod or non-XO's to view, which should allow less work for the mods and more adaptability for the XoO staff to solve problems as they have time, and then a thread be made in public forums to show what problems that fall in the realm of public concern to be fixed so xoobies can view and appreciate the dedication of the XoO staff.
    This problem simply exists because the XoO private discussion is used more than it should be IMHO.
    This was brought up in a past community-wide discussion to my memory, but it was deemed that we simply did not have the resources to work it out because we had too many things in the works already.
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2008