Member Forums Suggestions

Discussion in 'Public General Chat' started by Tribat, Jun 22, 2008.

  1. ok how is that for an introduction forum? description fit what you all are looking for?
  2. Thats great thank Jeb
    Now just for some people to put up some pictures of themselves in there to get it started
  3. lameofdog

    lameofdog Guest

    I like it. I would think a faces of XoO would be redundant because if people want you to know what they look like they'll post it in their intro.
  4. People like to put up new pictures when they get their hair cut or w/e so thats what a Faces of XoO post would be for
  5. lameofdog

    lameofdog Guest

    O, well that's different I didn't realize we were talking haircuts. My bad.

    That forum is all empty and I just want to post something in it, but I'm scared of taking it's virginity. Someone drill the pilot hole for me.
  6. Yea I knew it was gonna sound stupid when I posted it but people change their look and want to update people on how they look now
  7. I'll post my fantastic shit in a few
  8. Crae

    Crae Veteran Crowfall Member

    No one wants to see your shit. <3

    Hai, Im back.
  9. Welcome back Crae!

    PDog's Intro is up =)
  10. i set it up that way once and everybody bitched (early 2006)
  11. Seems that many people are in support of it now
  12. lameofdog

    lameofdog Guest

    The ones of us who are active right now support it. Wait until we implement it then everyone start bitching. I see the same thing at work all the time. You ask everyone about something and they don't say anything and then the day after you implement it hell breaks loose.
  13. lameofdog

    lameofdog Guest

    sweet baby jesus zarash whats going on its like up is down and white is black.
  14. The whole idea of it is to get people to communicate more between games though so I don't see why we need the public game forums
  15. Um update I guess
    I think its okay, hard to read links though and if we are going to us words instead of pictures for stuff then we need to wide the forums
  16. K.I.S.S.


    Intro forum Is ok, but it'll consist of two threads. Heck maybe just one. Why not put it in the public or members forum
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2008
  17. Intro Forums are flying right now, Shanks.
  18. Its in the public section?
  19. I re-started the Many Faces thread. I think it's cool to have one thread with all the pictures in it, and then separate intro threads for anyone who wants to have one (and they can include pics there as well, of course!).

    I see the Faces thread as kind of a tapestry of XoO overall, and the intro threads as places for people to discuss themselves and get to know a little bit about each other. Instead of posting something off-topic in another thread when I see someone is interested in something, I might now go look for their intro thread and post in it saying, "Hey, I see over here [link to other thread] that you're into xyz as well. That's awesome!"
  20. Probably the right decision, Shoji!