Star Citizen MechaDangerous's Application

Discussion in 'Accepted and on Probation' started by MechaDangerous, Feb 13, 2017.

  1. MechaDangerous

    MechaDangerous Veteran FPS Member

    How old are you?:
    RSI Forum Name?:
    Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic?*:
    Why did you choose XoO & where did you hear about us?:
    I used to be a member of XoO. I'm Wafflebot!
    Previous Gaming Experience:
    Since I'm 34 years old this has the potential to be huge. This is a big part of my love for Star Citizen though, because I grew up playing the Wing Commander series of games and pretty much anything made by Chris Roberts. I've been playing games on PC since the Commodore 64 (Rampage, Star Wars, Ghostbusters, etc.) to the modern age. I was previously a member of XoO in the FPS division with Bishop and Mordeius. We played a lot of Battlefield and it was a great time. I also played Star Wars: The Old Republic with XoO. I was Bako Verant. Got my Sith Marauder to level 50 and did the first few raids with XoO until it started to fall apart, which was quite sad. I have a lot of gaming experience under my belt. It's what I do and I love doing it. I still play a lot of retro and console games (NES, SNES, N64, PS4).
    List what ships you have, mark LTI where applicable:
    Mustang Omega : AMD Edition, 300i LTI
    What is your preferred role in-game?:
    Bounty Hunter (Hunt Bounties)
    Do you have a referral?:
    I do not have a referral.
    Activity level?*:
    Do you have a high speed internet connection and a good computer?:
    Have you joined the official organization on the RSI website as your main organization?:
  2. Varitas

    Varitas Veteran Crowfall Member

    Approved! Welcome to the fleet! Star Citizen is a bit slow right now. I recommend also looking at our Crowfall division.
  3. MechaDangerous

    MechaDangerous Veteran FPS Member

    I was considering the Crowfall division as well to be honest, but when it's available, I will be 150% dedicated to Star Citizen. I'll give Crowfall a look-see anyways, though! Thanks, Varitas!
  4. Varitas

    Varitas Veteran Crowfall Member

    No Problem! Glad to see you are back. Let me know if you ever need anything.
  5. MechaDangerous

    MechaDangerous Veteran FPS Member

    I will do that. Thank you again, Varitas.
  6. Wafflebot Welcome back!
    Do you need help recovering your original account?
  7. MechaDangerous

    MechaDangerous Veteran FPS Member

    Hello Que! If my original account is still there, then that would be great. This is really the name I go by on the interwebs, but the wafflebot name had some medals I don't want to lose.

    Any help is greatly appreciated, sir!
  8. For those checking old apps. The old account was recovered and name changed.